Player Comments on The Real Zombieland
Eh, fairly wellwritten, the only thing I found that I didn't like was that a few of the endings were a little random. Also, urnam posts those everywhere, and I can't say I agree with him/her most of the time. For instance, I don't like how he/she said it was "unoriginal", because it is about zombies? It's a common archetype, but there's no reason for it to be a bad thing. Maybe because it was named after a great movie? I don't think so, I read the story and I think the only similarity with Zombieland would be its zombies.
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on 7/6/2011 7:23:43 PM with a score of 0
1. Well-written
2. I really like how you gave the reader a choice between ending the story in the Florida branch and going to meet Zeke
1. Unoriginality
1. Unrealistic behavior, to the point that the consequences of my choices were random- the protagonist did a lot of dumb shit
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on 7/6/2011 5:17:27 AM with a score of 0
(it cut me off, haha) in a new dirrection. Read my comment below first and this one will make sense.
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on 7/6/2011 2:46:06 AM with a score of 0
I explored every page in this story, so I feel that my oppinion is accurate. The story is fairly well written. Where it fails is that the choices you make generly get you killed because of a choice your character makes after the choice you actually made, does that make sense? For instance when you click the link called, go south, it seems successful, untill a girl that wasnt even in the story up until that point gets you killed. Going south has nothing to do with that girl, that path needed a few more pages. The other significant short coming is that the story had 3 good endings, and almost as many death pages as links. After the first important descision, the one concering what state you head to first, every link but one gets you killed. Other than those things, not a bad job at all, Only a hand full of noticable errors. For your next story give more links that continue the story in a n
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on 7/6/2011 2:44:25 AM with a score of 0
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