Player Comments on Woolf stone
It was well written and all, with few spelling mistakes but there was one major issue I only gave it a three. There were no choices.
Sure, there were about three links on every page, which simply lead to one sentence before taking me backwards. That isn't writing, it's just forcing players into picking until they find the path that makes them progress.
I'm not trying to be mean, just constructive. In these types of storygames, people expect choices. However in this, there was one real path, multiple dead ends, and I counted one ending after playing three times.
I think there should be some way to actually lose, because this seemed like it was some sort of challenge and mystery to find the right person, but it simply took me back over and over until I chose the right one... Although you supplies clues I guess, there should be at least one bad ending.
Not badly written, but there were a fair amount of mistakes, and this didn't quite strike me as amazing. I guess I sorta enjoyed it, but it needs more paths and branching.
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on 12/12/2016 11:19:17 PM with a score of 0
This story is a mystery game which follows the detective who tries to find the culprit who stole a jewel.
I liked how after talking to all the people in the house, the story brings you to the final screen to make your decision. This is particularly user-friendly, because most of the time the reader will not keep track of who they have talked to, and could find themselves looping back. I also really appreciated the notes bank and the clues at the end. It’s really convenient to have it all summed up for the reader, since using a notebook while reading a choose your story isn’t really the norm. The motivation of the crime was also pretty well-found, as seen from the characters’ dialogues in the story.
What really created a negative experience for the reader was probably the lack of proper punctuation. Punctuation was often missing and on some pages completely nonexistent. There were also tons of typos, making some sentences almost unreadable. The lack of difficulty was kind of also an issue. The choices on some pages were fake, a.k.a. they would not provide any clues and the only choice on the page leads the reader back to the previous page. This actually just leaves one line for the reader to follow, so the solution in the end might not feel earned. I didn’t get how Blackwell and Betteredge's alibis for each other worked either because they could have stolen it together.
Overall, I think this story does well in catering to the reader, but it needs to be rewritten in proper grammar and punctuation, and some longer paths would add to the richness of the story. 3/8
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on 10/17/2024 2:06:18 AM with a score of 0
Riddled with misspellings, no real branches just "fake choices" and a plot which would benefit from being rewritten to add more depth to the characters. It has the puzzle tag, but compared to the other storygames I tried on the puzzle genre, this one was more like a rough draft story for a school project.
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on 6/7/2024 5:20:35 AM with a score of 0
Fun. Easy. Enjoyable. Too many spelling errors.
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on 1/11/2017 5:15:13 PM with a score of 0
Hmm...much better than I expected, though you kept using strange spellings of certain words :)
Such as "hopping" instead of hoping, and "jem" instead of gem.
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on 12/12/2016 6:47:16 PM with a score of 0
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