Noor, The Contributor

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2024 Summer Reading Comp Progress Tracker on 7/16/2024 12:48:58 PM

I can relate. Not being the type to usually leave reviews on stuff I read around here (3 reviews and more than 10 storygames read and rated, not counting the stories I read before creating an account). Good luck on getting the trophy, though Darius will come for your head if the previous reply is to be considered seriously.

Now that I'm finally finished with the hell called diploma thesis, I'll try to put some serious effort to writing reviews on the games I previously rated so I can try to increase the quality of the reviews.

2024 Summer Reading Comp Progress Tracker on 7/13/2024 11:07:32 AM


Due to the rule set, the number of featured comments from 1st of July until now: 1 (prior to the criteria set on length or author login)

A Magical Tail  written by adventurer



I didn't realize I had two featured comments though I think one of them was counted by mistake (the featured comment on Zombie Apocalypse was on June not July so it doesn't count. Though I have recently had two comments featured so:

  1. The Siberian written by Yummyfood (great potential, would love to read it's final version in the future)
  2.  Blow Your House Down written by Bill Ingersoll (I'm going to try reading and reviewing the new entries before reading the big list of his works. So far I've enjoyed both this one and the sci-fi "Eyes on a Moon of Blindness").


Blood in the King's Court written by Orange


The End of Creation written by hetero_malk 


Working on (Darius's advice on having Microsoft Word open when reading to take notes, has been helping a lot in keeping things organized and writing reviews):

1. Slaying the Scourge written by MiltonManThing - this review is taking more than it should due to some research I'm making on the Huns and Western Empire in general. Tbh one complaint/criticism: If you are going to use roman administration titles, at least explain them for the average reader.

2. Emperor's Fireworks written by PerforatedPenguin - this one is half-done. Will come back to it after finishing the first review


I'm in.

The Curse of Thunderdome 13, Duel A on 7/3/2024 7:02:40 PM
  • Story A's premise was interesting yet, as the others have already said, leaves the reader wondering about the genre and setting, until the very last sentence. The first though was this was some post-apocaliptic tribe (reverting to pagan rituals just like the "underdeveloped" tribes in history (today too) had) meant to put to the test and select the elite soldiers based on their strength + pilot skills. Didn't expect it to be some sort of fantasy sci-fi story.


  • Story B's premise was clear, engaging and comedic in a sense, reminding me of Circe from Homer's Odyssey who turned unfortunate sailors who ate her food into pigs, just like the capybaras' food turned the crew into capybaras themselves. Now, I wouldn't be surprised if it actually turns out to be just a wierd dream of one of the characters, or just delusions caused by the harsh conditions they were in previously. Either way, the semi post-apocalyptic world sounds like fun to explore. Possibly an extended storygame in and of itself.

In spite of Story A seeming more compliant with the prompt than Story B, I'll have to vote for Story B due to subjectively speaking, it was more fun to read.

POV modes on 6/21/2024 5:25:48 PM
  1. Yes there are stories which were written using the the first person POV in the interactive fiction medium, just not here (haven't been able to encounter one yet at least). Either bite-size Twine "games" or some unfinished demo using other engines. 
  2. I don't understand your point on "One thing that breaks immersion for me when I'm playing a normal game in second person is that the character you're supposed to identify as has thoughts that aren't your own, and judges things according to their personality characteristics."? When you read, it is you who is supposed to empathize and try to explore/understand the character you are playing as. Otherwise you are treating the character as an..... what was the word they use.... Right! "Self-inserted OC". 

Thunderdome 12: Milton vs Petros vs ???? on 6/4/2024 12:53:26 PM

Story A was the best overall.