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I need $2000

4 years ago
My computer is broken and it's imperative the community provide me this money so that I can continue not writing.

The situation is desperate, this has gone past the point of no return.

No, I will not even go as far as providing a handful of pencil sketches in an obviously doomed Kickstarter. Just get off your high horse and give me your fucking money.

No, I will not get a job. Jesus, I'm only 35.

Don't question this, and definitely don't look into what computers actually cost. Just zip it and trust me. When I say I all your money for my writing, that means I need it, hon.

*stands by on high alert to delete any and all responses that aren't asking where to send the check*

I need $2000

4 years ago
I would be honored to pay $1 to make sure that you can continue your (not) writing efforts. Where do I send the check?

I need $2000

4 years ago
First warning.

Just zip it, ok.

I need $2000

4 years ago

Melting, I don't go hiding in bushes My name is poison_mara and I don't understand how you can have so little shame of yourself asking for RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS OF MONEY, for something far cheaper. I am writing on a FUCKING MOBILE . 

Stop scamming people and go work for buying your luxurious pcs

I need $2000

4 years ago

I should add she said people here was bad and were insulting me when it wasn't true at all.  People here have the decency to not asking  2,000 $ without explanations of proofs. And so pretentiously demanding the money as were hers 

I need $2000

4 years ago
I remember wondering who it was at the time. I even asked who it was that told you that. Because that's what it seemed like to me, that someone had lied to get you mad and then pointed you towards the thread thinking you'd just cause some chaos without understanding everything there.

That's almost impressively diabolical, but a pretty shitty thing to do to someone she was pretending to be friends with.

I need $2000

4 years ago
I forgot to mention that I need an additional $8000 for sensitivity training, as well as my needlepoint classes. And uh, I'm going to take up falconry.

All needful for my continued participation here.

I need $2000

4 years ago
Oh, do let me know how the falconry goes! They are such noble birds.

I need $2000

4 years ago

If anyone wants to stroll in here and ask "oH WhY doN'T YOu juST BuY Secondhand!?"

Just.... stop, Hun. Sweetheart, darling. Would you want something that some possible misogynist incel women and people of colour hating... stupid head! Possibly owned?

I'll be the first to shut you down real QUICK! Mhm, mmmmmm, uh-huh, that's right.

Let me be the first to tell you that you're really brave for creating this thread, mizal. It takes courage and humility to ask others to fund your thousands of dollars purchase.

Don't let anyone call you entitled. If they do, well...

They're most likely women hating bigots and I will FREAKING CANCEL them in all areas of what those kinds of people even call life.

Bye Felicia!

Hi mizal.

I need $2000

4 years ago
Thank you. I'm glad someone understands.

When I say a ceramic toilet or some such won't do, it just won't do. Only the finest gold for me.

I can't believe the arrogance of some of these people thinking that THEY can understand my needs better than I can.


4 years ago

Just throwing a bone to the confused:

"Sorry to bother you, but it's beyond the point of no return now." was the line that got cropped off in the screenshot after the row of begging sites were linked. Presumably referring to her dignity....seeing as this is a 35 year old woman who has never bothered to get a job.

Although in typical CoG style, all the reactions of sane people were promptly deleted. Anyhow, more to come as I gather in my intel.


4 years ago

Flagged, deleted.

Flagged, deleted.

...obviously flagged and deleted.

I think it's an interesting example of the kind of escalation the mods frequently cause over there with their need to delete absolutely everything. Most people just wants to say their piece politely and move on, but then they get the door slammed in their face and suddenly stop giving a fuck.


4 years ago

When I purchased the laptop I'm using now (which didn't cost $2000) I did have to re-purchase a suite of professional graphic design software... which cost more than the machine itself. This was because the software licenses were strictly controlled, and the old version I had been using was no longer supported (and therefore renewing the license wasn't an option). So my only options were to buy the new versions of said software, or go with some monthly subscription service.

So yes, a new computer can be costly. But I agree it is pretty brazen to ask a bunch of forum goers to crowd-fund all this for you...


4 years ago

We know exactly what she wanted to buy. (Oh and just an fyi for new viewers, MeltdownPenguin is a recurring character on CoGTV, and she's not a professional at anything but sucking those welfare checks out of Germany's collective titty and being a truly ridiculous and perpetually triggered excuse for a human being on the internet, 27 hours a day.)

She did also post this stuff in the thread, but some mod was in frantically deleting everything but OP, while still reason just not closing the thing.

I'm pretty sure this all still didn't add up to $2000, even factoring in the stylus being solid gold, but at any rate I'd consider any "need" for a laptop to end at the cost of one that will let you write and browse the internet.


4 years ago

Wow, just wow. The more I see stuff from CoG the happier I am that I didn't accidentally end up over there.

 The only reason to go for a fancier Surface Pro and get Clip Studio is so you can draw directly on the screen with a stylus and run graphics programs without it crashing. And since one should be able to redownload Clip Studio onto a new computer, chances are she wants an updated version. (Although perhaps it is not that easy to reinstall. I just checked for my old version of Anime studio (same as Clip Studio, just older name/version before the rebrand) and though my email has the license the download link no longer works. I might have to write CS if I want to reinstall it.)

Digital art is an expensive hobby, sure, but it isn't something she should expect others to fund for her. And if she does want people to fund her art hobby, she can get a Patreon. Or she can get a normal laptop and get a cheap $50 tablet to plug in so she can draw. It won't have the nice screen, but beggars can't be choosers.



4 years ago
I have a difficult time taking people like this seriously. If she were an actual creative person to begin with, there are plenty of ways she could share her gift with the world. Most of them pay much more than that of the photoshopped crap everyone and their dog uploads nowadays.

Back in my day, real artists didn't even use pencils, they used pens or paint. There was no "undo" button for mistakes. Heck, even having an eraser was a luxury. I remember digging holes right through my paper trying to erase mistakes before someone had the good sense to go and invent a special kind of ink.

Now that I think about it, where's her proof that she's even an artist? For less than $10 she could buy enough spray cans to tag some building near where she lives and upload the pics. In fact, I have more than enough half empty cans lying around from previous projects that I'd donate to her cause. All she'd need to do is pay shipping.

Does anyone remember the good ol' days when people used to write or draw on paper? I even crammed my work in the margins of newspapers and the like or on cardboard boxes when I couldn't afford a spiral notebook or package of loose leaf. Furniture, walls, the side of your neighbors' house or car, even your own body can be used as a canvas if the drive is strong enough.

Before I'd resort to begging strangers for money, I'd buy a $200 laptop and get the free, no longer supported version of Scrivener. In fact, that's exactly what I did, right after installing a free operating system. And it's not just because I'm a cheapskate. It's because I have better things to waste my money on; like buying a used piece of equipment that also has the added benefit of wasting whatever free time I can manage to glean from my busy day in order to make enough money to buy another used piece of equipment, and so on...

In conclusion, I can only think of one word to respond to someone so entitled: HA!

Now, will you be so kind as to GET OFF MY LAWN!!


4 years ago
Sorry everyone, my grandpa forgot take his meds again and wandered onto the forum somehow. Won't happen again.


4 years ago

How terribly snippy. Also, clip studio can get an account code, or like, a password and email thing to recover your account.

What a silly person. I'd like to slap the silliness out just a little bit.


4 years ago
Actually I'm way over this now.

r/choosingbeggars is a trip, it's full of so many more hateable people, and I only have so much righteous fury to go around.


4 years ago
Ha. Scrivener license transfers to new machines. I did it this year with my new - not $2000 - laptop. Probably limited to a certain number of active machines, but you can deactivate the license for old machines. Also ... Scrivener is less than $50.

I'll also throw in a nice plug for Scrivener. It's great, whether you use it for writing or taking notes for coursework - highly recommended. It's like having a convenient file cabinet where you can actually find things once they go in.


4 years ago

Ohhhh, I remember her. She hates everyone and knows everything.

lmao, is she really 35?

I need $2000

4 years ago

Haha, you're so short that you need to sit on your high horse to be at the same height level......hon

I need $2000

4 years ago

Is MeltingPro French like Maz?

"Give me your money hon hon hon"

I need $2000

4 years ago


I need $2000

4 years ago

I don't need your damn money! 

I need $2000

4 years ago

Very respectfully,

I'm sorry I cannot donate at this time.  I know your needs go far beyond mine, as a cis het white male, but I haven't paid my rent yet and I still need to keep up on the loan I took out for car repairs.  If I don't get this repair, I don't know how I'll make it to work, and then I won't be able to buy you coffees anymore.  I'm asking for a little extension, maybe a few days to sell my bed or something so I can contribute properly.  It's all I can do, ma'am, so please, don't out me on social media quite yet.  I'm sorry, it's already been too long since I've flogged myself, I can feel the scars on my back starting to close up, so I'm going to end this message and go do that.

Please don't hurt me,


I need $2000

4 years ago

I am not fancy with sarcasm. But if I were a scam, someone, I would create a fake Kickstarter with a video demo . Not be lazy saying


I need $2000

4 years ago
This is ridiculous. Rent? I don't understand such things having never had to pay a bill myself, but I'm sure the computer comes in a large enough box for you to sleep in.

And if you can't fit inside it, it's just more proof you're denying me your money that should be MY money every time you shovel food into your greedy misogynistic cishet face.

I need $2000

4 years ago
Stop mansplaining it.

I need $2000

4 years ago

I'm willing to pay for your new computer in exchange for a green card marriage. And keep it non-romantic please, I already have a twin sister.

I need $2000

4 years ago

She is german lol

I need $2000

4 years ago

she is french and can marry darkspawn now

I need $2000

4 years ago

She is german as she bragging to me about Germany . She had a meltdown when someone said  Nazis are bad

I need $2000

4 years ago




she french now, hon

I need $2000

4 years ago

She is a French collaborationist with Germans then

I need $2000

4 years ago

Bahaha, oof. As someone who lived in Germany, Nazi apologists are not looked kindly upon except by one or two faaar right political parties. So if she's from Germany she's probably a social outcast. 

I need $2000

4 years ago
Yes, MeltdownPro is definitely German. I have a few Germans in my family and I have a theory that all German women might be batshit and bipolar.

She originally came to our attention flipping out at Steve that "Nazis were a cult, not a culture!" and then demanding a mod make him stop talking, in a meltdown that had nothing to do with the actual topic. (which was just about why Always Evil races in fantasy were kind of silly.)

I need $2000

4 years ago

Or the social justice fundraisers where someone belonging to a visible minority makes a fundraiser for white men to donate in order to "level the privilege". I can't imagine looking myself in the mirror after creating or donating. . .

I need $2000

4 years ago

oh what the fuck, I haven't heard of these lmao

honestly not all that surprised

I need $2000

4 years ago

Family guy has an episode about The black guy was demanding to the white family that owned his family, 200 years ago, money so they pick their brownies as they were poor as hell.


Is chapter where Peter discovered he had black ancestor 

I need $2000

4 years ago
Honestly I could respect the guy demanding donations in that case more than anyone who would donate. The former could be an honest asshole just parting fools from their money and having a good laugh, the latter has had all their self respect cucked right out of them.

I need $2000

4 years ago

I agree.

I need $2000

4 years ago
The hot yoga teachers already honeypotted my spare two grand. Sorry.

I need $2000

4 years ago

What a coincidence. I actually OWN a company that makes HIGH END computers.


I will GLADLY gift you one for free. All I ask is that you give me your consent for it beforehand. We make them using child labor and we destroy entire ecosystems to build one very fancy computer at a time.


If you're ok with this, just sign on the dotted line and I will gladly give you one. Free computer, a couple of dead third world children and disruptive factories in developing countries in exchange. Sounds like a good deal to me! 

I need $2000

4 years ago
I hope you weren't actually thinking anyone would hesitate for a moment, and I hope you've got enough computers for everyone.

I need $2000

4 years ago

The slaves are working on them as we speak! If I need to make enough for everyone, I'll have to tear down a few more trees in the rainforest to make new factories, but this is for a worthwhile cause.

I need $2000

4 years ago
Just a little tip: slaves burn almost as well as lumber, and can even make for passable building materials in a pinch.

I need $2000

4 years ago

Wow! Thank you so much, I should have hired YOU as my regional manager and not that foreign chick that can't even speak English but I can pay pennies an hour to. 

I need $2000

4 years ago
I'm poor and have no money. End Master already reaped my soul. Maya stabbed my eyes. Um, how about my liver? There's bound to be a human market for livers in some back alley.

I need $2000

4 years ago
Oh, and my irl laptop costs a full... $120. It also happens to be over half my age, and I can legally guzzle rum.

I need $2000

4 years ago
Is your irl laptop a (cheap, shitty) phone?

I need $2000

4 years ago
No, my phone is worth $50 more than my laptop. I upgraded my mobile from 8 years old to 1 year old.

I need $2000

4 years ago
I posted a screenshot of this whole thing (a combined image of the two Discord screenshots) to r/choosingbeggars expecting to get karma only to realize I screwed up and forgot to provide the right context. Reddit is going to tear me to shreds. I would like for a moment of silence, and a collective "L" from the community.

I need $2000

4 years ago


upgraded because its you

I need $2000

4 years ago

I need $2000

4 years ago

I need $2000

4 years ago
Providing context and being aware of the information the readers have actually been given vs what's just in your head is soooo important though, you should know this.

The value of Chris stock has definitely gone down. (But this might be a good time to buy in expectation it might go up again....just as long as he stays away from Reddit.)

I need $2000

4 years ago
Y'all should just sell your Chris stock right away, it ain't ever going up again. I peaked like a year and a half ago.

I need $2000

4 years ago

I need $2000

4 years ago

I need $2000

4 years ago

Just some other screen shots of this fun filled meltdown. Jason of course already unlisted the thread so it isn't accessible by the public anymore. Which is funny since that hides all of Meltdown Penguin's writing as well.

I need $2000

4 years ago
"coming back?"

So did she leave and then return only when she realized she had an audience there that she could try and milk money out of?

If only she'd just attempted a Kickstarter. Pencils and paper are cheap and she seems like a person that can probably draw anime characters. I'm sure she could've convinced someone over there.

Just too bad it wasn't "it was a mistake to return and start begging the internet for thousands of dollars I don't really need and then get catty with anyone who questioned it", or we could at least have called this one a lesson learned.

I need $2000

4 years ago
Oh and I checked out of curiosity, and minimum wage in Germany is the equivalent of $10.15. That's much higher than it is here. Just think, if MP had just worked five normal 40 hour weeks, could've easily afforded that Surface Pro + diamond tipped stylus that transforms into a top of the line luxury vibrator, all on her own.

And one can only imagine the collection of vibrators she might have had if she'd only cultivated some kind of skill or education. But without those it seems she'll just have to keep accessing the internet in the normal way like some kind of non Surface-having schlub, and also something about dildos, but I stopped in the middle of typing this to put away laundry and this joke kind of got away from me. Sad story.

I need $2000

4 years ago
I blame the Mexicans.

I need $2000

4 years ago
You know I thought DarkSpawn had to be responsible somehow, but I didn't want to say anything.

I need $2000

4 years ago

Chinese breeding laws for Mexicans confirmed.

I need $2000

4 years ago

I can't even figure out why this makes me so mad, but it does. The level of entitlement it has to take to ask for that much money, for no apparent reason is entirely beyond me. The fact that it sometimes succeeds just makes me want to die.

I need $2000

4 years ago
This kind of thing makes anybody mad. Just the level of entitlement involved is beyond the pale; she wasn't simply asking, but getting pissed and catty at anyone who reacted to the ridiculous OP by going 'wait that's ridiculous.' PoisonMara had a good point in that thread, that if someone was going to beg, the least they could do was list exactly what they wanted and the cost of each item and make a convincing case of WHY they needed it. But instead she pretty obviously felt she didn't owe anyone an explanation for anything and it was unreasonable to ask. Just click that PayPal link and zip it. First warning. I actually do consider a laptop a "need", if a very first world one. But this is like saying your car broke down and you desperately need someone to buy you a brand new Mercedes so you can make it to work and pick up your kids from school. Although...I had a glance around that r/choosingbeggars Chris was at last night and Meltdown's demands are pretty smalltime compared to most of what's there, if you want to talk about enraging. It's hardly news that there are just some incredibly self absorbed, self entitled fuckheads out there, but something about seeing that kind of naked, unashamed greed on display just makes any normal person want to punch their teeth out. Anyway I've had my lols and rants and moving on now. CoG drama is always entertaining but ultimately a waste of time. This whole discussion could've been had more productively in the thread itself of course and maybe something useful would've come out of it, but nope, flag, flag, delete, and lock. There are good, interesting, and reasonable posts on the CoG forum despite what everyone says, you just have to be fast to read them because the community hides them and the mods delete them as soon as they're noticed.

I need $2000

4 years ago

If you actually needed a new PC then just ask for 500 bucks. (That is unless you want a gaming PC, in which case 700 dollars will do for most things.) 2000 is way too much. (This is coming from a person who built a gaming PC, so take my advice. Please.)

Or steal a computer from NASA. That works too.

I need $2000

4 years ago
You can't need a gaming PC, it's only possible to want one.

I need $2000

4 years ago
Honey, trust me, if he says he NEEDS a gaming PC, he NEEDS a gaming PC. So kindly don't.

I need $2000

4 years ago

I need it if it's my life.

I need $2000

4 years ago

She wants Clipstudio and 'needs' the Surface Pro, which is one of the only notebooks that you can draw on the screen with a stylus that is still good enough to handle art programs. My laptop doesn't quite have the Ram to handle Photoshop well, so it is always glitching/freezing/crashing. It is true that for digital artists, costs add up fast. It is difficult to get a nice setup (either laptop + decent graphics tablet or a notebook that acts as both) for less than $2000. But that's for either dedicated hobbyists, freelancers, or pros. The typical kid drawing anime fan-art on the side isn't going to need a laptop to handle 60+ layers in Photoshop or to render 3D models. And now days they make non-display tablets for cheap! You can easily get one for under $100. Or just get a scanner and do art the old-fashioned way. It's the Display tablets that are expensive (When my WACOM Cintiq broke and I couldn't afford $2,000 to replace it, I had to settle for an off-brand, but that still cost near $500. Unlike her, however, I'd already set money aside. I didn't go begging random strangers on the internet.)

For typing though, yeesh, just get a used laptop for $100 and call it good. If she'd asked if anyone had an old used or otherwise broken laptop to spare that could still run Open Office, it might have been understandable rather than entitled and pathetic.

I need $2000

4 years ago

send mone pls thanks

I need $2000

4 years ago
How dare you come into my asking for money thread and start asking for money. Your sense of self entitlement disgusts me.

I need $2000

4 years ago

I don't have any money, but I can mail you a thumb drive with a pirated copy of MS word and photoshop on it. It'll save you like, thousands of dollars. Then you'll need like 200 for a functioning laptop!

I need $2000

one year ago

This thread's a bit old, but this new post that was brought to my attention probably works best for it, and we don't mind a little necromancy around here anyway.

In any case, Meltdown is at it again!

And here I thought Germany was a well oiled efficient machine of bureaucracy. Can't believe it would fuck up the welfare checks.


Seriously if she's got all this time to e-beg on the net, the least she could do is finish her goddamn game. She's got all the fucking time in the world to write.

Oh right, no 2000 dollar laptop to write with. Oh well things are tough all over I guess.

I need $2000

one year ago

I do like the fact that she provided the spelling of the word six in brackets for those of us who didn't understand the number. ^_^

I need $2000

one year ago
"Payment of Unemployment Benefit I
If you have children, you will receive 67% of your average wage; if you don't have children, you'll receive 60%. These figures are subject to a maximum limit of €6900 in West Germany and €6450 in East Germany."

Lol, should've worked.

I need $2000

one year ago
I am legally unemployed for 11 months now and unable to take up a job because if I do I'll lose a chance to get funding for a startup company (which is 3 months late at this point), yet feel embarrassed every time I plug in any mention of donations in my posts. Meanwhile people like that feel no shame to downright demand money from people. Make an Onlyfans if you're that desperate for sugar daddies lol.

I need $2000

one year ago
Commended by EndMaster on 6/6/2023 8:36:48 PM
The disgusting e-begging aside, this raises a few questions.

She knew this was coming but for six months has done nothing.

She's claimed to be a full time author? How then has her YEARS of solid 40 hour writing weeks failed to produce a game to sell?

She's "too disabled to work" but is fine with sitting in front of a computer all day. Uhhh, don't a lot of the better paid jobs involve exactly that?

And I'll just mention for anyone not in the know that college in Germany is FREE. Genuinely what the fuck has she been doing with her life? (Yes yes I know, the answer is whining on reddit and Tumblr while smearing whatever parts of her outermost blubber layer she can still reach in tears and snot and sausage grease.)

I mean yeah life is hard, people fall on hard times, this is what family and friends and some degree of social safety net is for. But when the fall is really not much more than a slight slump off the couch you've been limply lying on for years with no attempt to sit up and feed and wipe yourself, genuinely just go do your flipped over turtle impression quietly in a gutter somewhere.

I need $2000

one year ago

She's rather uppity for a bitch that constantly needs to beg for money on the internet from strangers.

Someone pls give her something. Anything. A quarter?

I need $2000

one year ago
How bout a nickel?

I need $2000

one year ago

Nah. She's more of a penny gal.

I need $2000

one year ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 6/11/2023 4:03:56 PM

I think there's a more fitting penny out there for this special type of person

I need $2000

one year ago
I mean if you're at this point of being a whining degenerate just write furry porn. Though I guess even that is too much work for her.

I need $2000

one year ago

No way, dude. People pay you to write furry porn, that's way too close to employed behavior for her.

I need $2000

one year ago

The real question is... Did any one actually give her money?

I need $2000

one year ago
For future readers browsing the archive, there's a more recent thread that seems relevant for showcasing the winning personality being put forward when she's not begging.

Actually, this explains why she was so quick to backpedal on throwing a tantrum and canceling the game, where else will she find a platform for this kind of thing?

I need $2000

one year ago

Just the gift that keeps on giving. Lol.

I need $2000

one year ago
Lol, if she has multiple people who really believe she truly needs the money on top of what they're already donating on Patreon or whatever, that's a pretty sad amount tbh.

Makes me appreciate how based this community is all over again. There's peeps here we've all known for years where I know if some emergency occurred and they needed 300 bucks to cover some basic expense, they'd get it immediately with no questions asked.

I need $2000

one year ago

PSA: For anyone who wants to help her out but doesn't want to encourage her begging, you can pay her to do art. 

Of course, she simply doesn't have the time to take your requests. E-begging takes up every waking hour of her life, you see.

Disclaimer: Your money would be better spent on a commission from the always wonderful MHD. Her art is clearly superior and she's a much more pleasant person that deserves the commission.

I need $2000

one year ago

Oh wow, she's actually really bloody good. Shame about her Ts and Cs or I might have commissioned her to add to my chibi Hitler collection.

I need $2000

one year ago
Hey, you could still try! Who knows, in these desperate times, she might lower her exacting standards.

I mean what's the alternative, filling out a job application?

I need $2000

one year ago
Just ask for black chibi Hitler. Can't be racist if you're black!

Or just tell her you're a jew. That makes it okay too, doesn't it?

I need $2000

one year ago

Man I love MHD's art.

If only people who go to artists like Melt went to MHD instead for a quality commission that they'll actually receive.

Though, knowing Melt's given audience, the commissions might not be so great to draw.