Hearthfire, The Reader

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Last Activity

9/11/2024 6:54 PM

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0 wins / 0 losses




Welcome to the home of Hearthfire Tales. Still a work in progress.

Pfp art is not mine.



From Mountain to Sea: Suncat's Journey
You are a young woman of the Sun Tribe based in the Glora Mountains. Playing as a warrior or merchant, make your first journey along the riverways to the Westward Sea and back home again.

Survival: A Story of Turtle Lake
As a young person of the Turtle Lake tribe in Peltoria, after 14 winters you must undergo a test of survival to take your place as a full member of the tribe.

You and the others undergoing the test must live apart from your tribemates from Summer to Spring. The thirteen of you must build your own village and prove you possess all the skills needed to thrive along Turtle Lake.

This tradition has gone back countless generations. But there are whispers and rumors you can't avoid about what became of last year's initiates, the ones who didn't make it back...

(Note that the game will be different if you play a boy or girl, this isn't any kind of statement, but for lore reasons as the tribe has different traditions for each.)

Recent Posts

Another newbie says hello on 9/4/2024 12:11:22 PM
Based on what others are saying and some rough mapping I've done, my first story may be a little ambitious. But the funny thing is that it's already just a portion of what I originally planned since I had meant it to cover stories from multiple tribes in the setting before just deciding on one I had never properly fleshed out. I'll see how the first section goes though.

Another newbie says hello on 9/4/2024 11:26:56 AM
This all looks very useful, thank you. And I appreciate everyone else who gave advice too.

help please? on 9/4/2024 11:25:53 AM
All good now, hetero_malk fixed it!

Another newbie says hello on 9/2/2024 11:33:23 AM
Newbie here, I decided to create an account and it was suggested I say hi. So, hi. As a kid I wrote interactive fiction before I even knew what it was called, I've rediscovered it recently and never knew what a huge community is out there. This site has such variety of storygames and it looks really active so I'm happy to have found it. So far I've just messed around with figuring out the editor a little, any tips for writing my first storygame?