Player Comments on Fun Stuff Part 2
Riddles are easy. And apollo... EndMaster didn't write dungeon stompage...
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on 1/9/2017 1:21:26 AM with a score of 0
Some of the riddles made no sense, like the one with the bus driver. How was I supposed to know his eye color? You should check out Dungeon Stompage by EndMaster. When your asked a riddle, you can type out the answer. See if you can figure out how to do this and your "story" would get a much higher rating.
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on 9/10/2016 5:21:43 PM with a score of 0
it sucked booty cheeks
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— nawuisha on 9/9/2016 2:08:12 PM with a score of 0
You were so afraid that things would be obvious... while just putting the "none of the above" is just so obvious. Still, I really liked the idea, especially when "interacting" with the suspects and choosing doors. Maybe you could expand the answers with the players "other" suggestions?
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on 8/21/2016 2:54:53 PM with a score of 0
I personally think this is a rating on four, it was a pretty fun way to pass time, and your riddles are fun to play even though I already knew a couple. But your system for answers was terrible and needed to be worked out properly. If the riddle doesn't fit the format, don't put it in the game. It was kind of complex none the less at certain times and I found it more fun than many other riddle games I've played. Nice.
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on 8/8/2016 11:41:48 AM with a score of 0
so, how did I do?
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on 8/1/2016 2:43:08 AM with a score of 0
Wow! 5 riddles! That's ... eh, really?
1. Ah, a old and well known riddle. But at least it's a riddle.
2. Random doors that lead nowhere, and then a random choice. You could just have the character go to the store for furniture or something.
3. Again, a well known riddle
4. This one is a riddle without the number, and also a well known one.
5. (4 on the page) If you are to lazy to even go and check which riddle this is, well no comment.
6. (5) Ey, lets change focus! Who needs riddles anyway, lets just tell terrible jokes. Why not!
And ... you gave up. After 5 riddles and a random joke, you just gave up. And then you decided to publish this, because why not, it's allways good to have more crap on the new stories page. If you actually thought publishing this was a good idea, you should rethink that choice.
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on 7/31/2016 9:19:34 AM with a score of 0
Why is not in the puzzles cadory?
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on 7/30/2016 8:59:43 PM with a score of 0
This was a little rough and all over the place but not the worst way to waste two minutes until the very end. Please don't post unfinished work.
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on 7/30/2016 8:59:30 PM with a score of 0
For the most part, not too bad. Couldn't find any sleeping mistakes, or bad grammar, and the riddles were ok.
The last part was the bit that ruined this. You can't rely your readers to give you ideas. This is your story. You need to put some more effort into these, because you won't get very far by not putting more work into things. 3/8
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on 7/30/2016 5:01:12 PM with a score of 0
You have internet for a reason. Use it.
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on 7/30/2016 3:35:29 PM with a score of 0
If you can't think of anymore...use Google.
Or hey, I don't know maybe you could just not publish this.
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on 7/30/2016 3:17:05 PM with a score of 0
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