Player Comments on Zeta 311
I couldn't use a few items, and I'm not sure again if it is my own stupidity or if they're just pointless.
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on 3/25/2025 11:56:33 AM with a score of 0
Probably more fun of a read because I put on some creepy abandoned space station music before I jumped into the story to really immerse myself in the horror factor.
The best way to read this game is to check the rooms from top to bottom in the order they are listed to get the full length of terminal entries and the background for the monster on the ship. That being said, I had a hard time taking the blob seriously as a villain when it was introduced.
I think had the descriptions been a little more graphic and the dread of encountering it amped up I would've been creeped out more. Also, a better name than blob wouldn't hurt.
I liked the narrative even if it followed some of the science horror tropes a little it was still an entertaining read with good item usage though I would have liked to use all the items at some point.
Also, I found that the minor spelling and grammar errors threw off the unsettling vibes you were going for, but I still thought it was a good story game. If I had to suggest anything it would be to add more tension by escaping the blob in different parts of the ship. Having usage for all the items and also atmospheric tension with the terminal entries. It reminded me of the Don't Escape series specifically the point-and-click ones related to space which you could draw inspiration from.
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on 4/13/2022 10:07:05 PM with a score of 0
Awesome sauce
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on 9/17/2018 7:50:15 PM with a score of 0
Pretty decent effort from a new author here.
The terminal entries were both a cool idea and at the same time, the game's main weakness. As Stryker said, it would have been more interesting/more realistic to have them written from the point of view of crewmembers, maybe with official ship logs mixed in, but another issue was that they were written with the assumption the reader would click the links in the order listed. In a CYOA, you really can't do that.
I checked the escape pods first because naturally, I was trying to escape. Either writing the entries in a way that the exact chronology doesn't matter, or using a variable to track and display them in the right order no matter which rooms the player visits would be ways to address this.
Still, you've got the basics down, the technical aspects of your writing are fine, and I really like sci-fi. This was a little short so I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with once you have a little more time to practice and experiment.
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on 3/19/2017 4:22:43 PM with a score of 0
Alright, this was fun. The Terminal entries style was a great way of exploring the story, even if a lot of the content was highly implausible to have been written down in that form (real entries would be first person and highly perspective based, or system logs which are entirely impersonal - e.g. failure of engines at XXXX hours). The images (except for the blob itself) complemented the experience, and the use of items was generous (you would be prompted to use something, and could proceed sub-optimally if you didn't have something to use). Grammatically, there were a few mistakes you'll want to check up on (particularly how you're describing the blog and its actions in the terminal entries). This was an enjoyable first game all said and done, short but of good quality, the right way to do it. I look forward to longer and more detailed stories, you have a lot of potential.
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on 3/16/2017 12:31:05 PM with a score of 0
Even better than Alien the movie.
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on 3/16/2017 8:32:09 AM with a score of 0
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