Peter_Pears, The Reader

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5/16/2014 5:41 AM

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Spring Thing 2014 - Games Discussion on 5/14/2014 7:31:48 PM

Congratulations. :) To everyone here, let me just say I salute you -  entering CYS games in the Spring Thing, taking a step inside another community's established comp, even if it IS all between us IF lovers, be it choice- or parser-based (and Briar, the correct way to go down the stairs would be "down", or "d" for short; good parser-IF shouldn't make you guess difficult commands, or force you to type too much to interact ;) ) is, in a word, gutsy :).

Plus, really, things quickly took a turn to the ugly. I was sorry to see it happen, which was why I tried to patch up when I could. You guys didn't deserve any of the shit that flew around, and I'm very, very happy for these results. It vindicates you pretty thoroughly. :) You all as a community, and Briar Rose in particular as an author.

BRose, FYI, HannonO also had something to tell you but he wasn't able to log in here, you may wish to check it out.

Again, congratulations all. I'm sorry about the sour taste some of you almost definitely have about InfFiction. I think it all just got started off on the wrong foot, and then just kept going downhill.
