kadakithis, The Reader

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A game about love and the choices you make along the way to why you love someone.

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Writing Romance, any tips? on 4/29/2014 11:12:41 AM

Um, right now just doing two women.

Writing Romance, any tips? on 4/24/2014 3:38:06 PM

No gay route, no straight route, just lesbian route

Writing Romance, any tips? on 4/24/2014 3:37:27 PM

Yes, this sounds great, how do I do it? I mean link wise and how to make it flow?

Writing Romance, any tips? on 4/24/2014 3:36:25 PM

Its a lesbian romance, so yeah that will happen, but not lesbian porn.

Writing Romance, any tips? on 4/24/2014 3:35:39 PM

Yeah, part of the plot is they are very different. The Bare bones plot is you have died, now Heaven, Hell ( which isnt as cut and dry as it sounds) or instead of moving on concentrate on your family and how you died.

Writing Romance, any tips? on 4/24/2014 3:33:51 PM

No, I want two story lines going concurrently, at the end you choose the girl, or choose not to

How to make a good protagonist? on 4/19/2014 7:10:31 AM

1) Dont make the personality an archetype. Base them on someone you know, or on realistic reations. Usually characters with cookie cutter personality traits are empty. Also conflicting personality traits is a good way to start if nothing else. A personality should be real. Dont assign traits. Make a viewpoint. Dont ask how a shy character would react, ask how someone you know would react. 

2) Backstory really depends on the plot. Dont do tragic, that has no oomph anymore. There are a range of emotions, a joyful and happy life can set up a entitlement or confusion when things go bad, or feel like you dont understand others problems. A hard life, that has a lot of work can say otherwise. Think Han Solo, Superman, Wonderwoman, Kirk. None of these characters were necessarily Tragic. A backstory just says what shaped them. How did they come to be the way they are? Also everything has been done, always, nothing new under the sun, the key is to make it your own.

3) As for Motive, motive really does center on plot, but a good catch all otherwise is survival. It is a motive you dont have to think too much on, and forces the character to move. That and necessity. Give them a deadline and they will be motivated to act.

4) Flaws, well anything works as long as it is an actual flaw. I am so tired of clumsy characters for cuteness. But just to name a few. Cynical, unskilled in an important area, addiction, hesitant to act, physically slow/weak/glass jaw, lack of control over something about them (from powers to anger issues to despair) influenced by someone they shouldnt be


Honestly though in these games, empty characters are a plus because as a game you want to self insert.


Writing Romance, any tips? on 4/19/2014 6:51:03 AM

I was thinking of two girls, and you can pick either them or a non romantic route. Each would have a choice and then go forward. But picking the same choice leads you further in the storyline of each, but I am having trouble gating the women seprately from each other.

since I want you choosing either to be at the end.

So after you get to know them and see the plot, you pick either your family, or either girl, and then that will supply your ending. Does that work?