kurokun, The Reader

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Help Wanted: Organize My Life, Please. on 11/17/2016 11:02:06 PM

Hey there guys.

Although I'm fairly tenured as far as writing goes, I've never dabbled in CYOA before. I've always loved storygames, but it didn't ever really occur to me that I could create my own until I stumbled upon this lovely website full of insanely talented people. I figured, if all of you could do it, I'm sure I could come up with my own storygame.

I was wrong.

I started out with vigor and promise, and now a few weeks later find myself staring at broken links for hours on end. I've noticed that the one thing that seems to be holding me back is I'm incredibly disorganized. After all, I;ve never had to consider anything other than purely chronological writing before.

Thus, I pose to you my question: how do you go about organizing your storygame? Do you write everything chronologically, even if it means juggling multiple threads at a time? Do you write what you consider to be the "true story/ending" and then base all your other threads around it? Or do you do something entirely different that I can't even comprehend right now because I'm a confused, grumpy n00b? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!

But really. Help me please. I really want to finish this game.

Thanks you all, and all the best,
