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Update page text based on variables?

6 years ago

Is there any possible way for a page to update based on particular variables?

For example, if an inventory item was something like "Dictionary" and the player selected "Use Item", it would take them to a page of all the terms they've gathered thus far. Theoretically, what terms display would be based on several different variables (one for each different term). Terms that haven't been collected would be hidden until the appropriate variable is achieved.

I can't figure out any way to do this, aside from directing players to a page where the item is dropped, after which a second version of the item with different text can be picked up.

Update page text based on variables?

6 years ago
Look for the article on on page scripting. Our maybe somebody else can link it but I'm late for work!

Update page text based on variables?

6 years ago
I would think that this page describes what you want to do with on-page variable if statements.

Update page text based on variables?

6 years ago

Yes, that looks about right! Thanks for the link. ^-^