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Setting background image trouble :(

6 years ago

Hi there! While I was following the guide on 'How to Create a Great Titlepage', the following:

<body background="">

keeps 'disappearing' from the page when I try to type it into Source after I save the page. So could someone help out this absolute caveman and a titlepage in need?

Setting background image trouble :(

6 years ago

A couple things. First, it's best to add styling via scripting, since the rich-text editor will delete it otherwise and the plain text editor adds unnecessary newline tags. With scripting enabled, that's accessed via the := button next to the page's title. Second, it's better to use CSS. Third, you need to link directly to the image. Your link just goes to an HTML page containing the image:

$PAGETEXT := "<!--<style>
body {
  background: url('');
</style>-->" + $PAGETEXT