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The Wrecks Of Time/The Rituals of Infinity

9 years ago

The Rituals Of Infinity by Michael Moorcock is a really peculiar, but really interesting book. It's a bit hard to summarize, as the material only gets really good by the end (it's a short book though, about 150 pages), but it's premise is that about a time in the very near future where scientists discover many different sub-spaces/different dimensions, all of which contain a planet that goes through the same cycles as Earth, there is a group of people called, 'D-Squaders' that are, for whatever reason, trying to destroy the many different Earths.

A clash of Outlooks between a professor adamant about the enjoyment of physicality and life, the other with a love of chaos and decay. Good and Evil...ish. It's really confusing, but it's a good read.

Anyway, has anyone read it? I'd definitely recommend it. Very different than any Sci-Fi I've read before.