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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

The Long Dark

6 years ago

I’ve been playing this and it’s fairly difficult as far as survival games go. I’ve only managed to get to the first ghost town and I’ve already practically looted the place and it’s looking pretty grim as far as my resources are concerned. Mainly food.

I’m going to have to move on soon, but I have no idea where I’m going to be going. I guess wander the wilderness and hope I find dead deer carcasses, but I’m sure as hell not going to be able to hit rabbits with stones and even in the off chance I do hit one, it just stuns the little jackalopes and they get up before I can run to them and kill them properly.

Anyway, so far it’s a lot tougher than Don’t Starve or Sheltered.

The Long Dark

6 years ago
Wow, I'd completely forgotten about this game. I've had it installed for awhile but never actually played it. There was some major update that was fixing to come out at the time so I decided to wait, and then a lot of people were bitching about the changes unbalancing things so I decided to wait some more.

It's kind of ridiculous how reluctant I am to start new games these days, but I really have no self restraint and it's basically committing to having a week of lost time.