Chalice of the Damned

A fantasy storygame by pudgymuffins

Player Rating?/8

"Too few ratings to be ranked"
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Story Difficulty6/8

"Wandering through the desert"

Play Length?/8

"Unknown / Not Set"
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Maturity Level6/8

"I'll need to see some identification"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 16. If this were a movie, it would probably be between PG-13 and R.

You are Axton Blackthorne, half of the Blackthorne Mercenaries. The other half? Your sister Kendra. The two of you trek all across the kingdom of Azheria in search of excitement and loot. This all changes when the two of you discover the Chalice of the Damned and your sister becomes a twisted visage of her former self. Can you stop the corruption moving through the city or will you end up in their mournful ranks?

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