StarrlightOffensive, The Reader

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Inauguration Day on 1/21/2017 9:34:19 PM

I respect your opinion and your right to have one, please don't feel like I'm attacking your ideas. I'm not saying I endorse Trump or Hillary or anyone else, either, but Obama has absolutely miffed me to the point of no return. Because of his "Affordable Health Care" idea, my family's insurance went from awesome to outrageous. My mother couldn't afford to go to doctor for years because of this. After months of clutching her abdomen in pain every few hours with no idea why, my father had finally saved up enough of a financial safety net to catch her so that a single CT scan wouldn't put them in debt. As it turns out, what she had could have been prevented had she been able to see a doctor months earlier, but now it requires a risky surgery and medication. I watched her suffer from terrible pain and discomfort that I could do absolutely nothing to alleviate, and now she will suffer even more. That entire safety net and more will be ripped away from them, now. What makes it even better is how freely all this Obamacare money is given out. My neighbors, whose diets consist of painkillers, beer, and cigarettes, are getting prescription after prescription of free pills while their children's grades, weight, and overall health plummet. I'm sure it helps many people, but it deeply upsets me to see that no one checks up on how government assistance is being used or abused. Some people think my opposition to the idea of a government coddling its people from cradle to grave is from lack of empathy, but I assure you it comes from my own, personal experiences. And, yes, I'm saying this bitterly and ironically:

Thanks, Obama.