Unifox, The Reader
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5/27/2021 7:24 PM
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I'm new and writing a project for my socials class on 5/27/2021 7:12:47 PMThank you all. I have found the site i used to make a choose your own adventure a few years ago. bye everyone
I'm new and writing a project for my socials class on 5/27/2021 6:06:22 PM
I'm not a nazi, I'm against them. I was writing it a a school project and to bring awareness to what happened to gay men like me in nazi Germany. And now over 5 hours of work is gone
I'm new and writing a project for my socials class on 5/27/2021 5:06:08 PM
Thank you!
I'm new and writing a project for my socials class on 5/27/2021 3:10:59 PM
As ive said im not a troll. im making a legit game for my socials assignment. i have at least 4 hours of work i dont want to lose or haveto redo. i suggest watching a couple things on youtube about us. btw what exactly is your problem with us. a video by me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS5OezmrZSc&t=7s . and a professional documentary on the fandom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv0QaTW3kEY&vl=en . please dont ban me just for being a furry you ass.
I'm new and writing a project for my socials class on 5/27/2021 3:00:09 PM
I'm new and writing a project for my socials class on 5/27/2021 11:41:54 AM
I should have said a couple of hours not just hours of work sry. It's not really about how well we can write, it's more about demonstrating our knowledge. copy-pasted from the assignment doc: In this assignment you must demonstrate your understanding of what you learned in either the WW1 or WW2 unit. The way you choose to present the material is up to you, and below are some suggestions and criteria to include. And I'm only about halfway done writing it, if I have time I will go back and edit it to make it better and polish it up. I'm not great at writing things, I'm in grade 10 and am close to failing English and am failing socials. Once I complete it and hand it in my grade should go up to above failing (hopefully).
I'm new and writing a project for my socials class on 5/26/2021 11:33:13 PM
Hello! I'm Unifox and I'm here to destroy you! jk jk. I'm here writing a choose your own adventure game for my socials class. I'm doing it on the persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany during WW2. As a gay man with a boyfriend, I am quite interested in this subject. It was not taught to us in class so I am making a fun and somewhat educational game about it. Would it be possible to have some people play through what I have so far and tell me what you think? (I'm about halfway done) Thanks! Serious post btw, please don't report me or remove my story or anything else. I have hours of serious work on it that I don't want to lose. This project is weeks late and i need to get it done for friday. Again, SERIOUS POST, this is not a troll or meant to be anything hatefull.