cactuskid, The Reader
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Hey! I'm Max, and I'm terrible at introducing myself.
I'm a dude,I have an obsession with plants and I'm vegetarian. I haven't written anything on here to date, but if you're interested, I'll probably be writing a variety of gay shit because I write from experience, and a variety of adventures because I write with my imagina tion. I've actually been writing short stories my entire life, although I've yet to publish them anywhere, so this is a first.
This whole thing makes me sound like I'm some tumblr-lovin' devil spawn.
I don't even have a tumblr.
Work in Progress or something, I guess
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Salutations! on 2/17/2018 5:39:35 PMGreetings! Hi! Howdy! We come in peace, take me to your leader and all that jazz.
I'm Max. I've been known as 'guest' for about a year now, but I decided rather abruptly that it might be fun to take a whirl at writing something. That was two months ago, and I eventually got around to actually making the darn account.
Here I am, that's about it. Feel free to contact me for whatever reason, I'm totally up for conversation!