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Get help from the experts on variables, scripts, items, and other scary things.


9 years ago

Don't look at me like that! I never said I was leaving forever!

Okay, so I'm making a storygame. (No surprise there.) I want to add appearances and such (Like hair color, eye color, etc.) but I don't know how to do this. I haven't found any article on this. How do I do this if I can, and if there's an article on it, can someone link me?


9 years ago

Would you elaborate a little more on what you are wanting to do? I think I have a good idea, but I want to be sure.


9 years ago
Kay. If I understand you right, you want to be able to choose your hair color, like brown, black, etc and then display it on the page later, such as in some kind of profile, "You have brown hair" or whatever.

First, you would create a variable, like "HAIRCOLOR". For the purposes of this post, the HAIRCOLOR variable is 1 = brown, 2 = black.

You would then create a page where the player could choose a haircolor, and make links titled "brown" and "black". When the player clicks the link, make it so the haircolor variable is set to 1 for brown and 2 for black.

Then, to display the haircolor on the page, you would paste this on the page. Not in the script box, but on the page. "%%HAIRCOLOR%=%1%brown%%%%HAIRCOLOR%=%2%black%%"

Whenever I have something in quotes, that just means put that stuff but without the quotes around it. If this is too confusing, just say and I'll try to explain it better, or someone else can.


9 years ago

Okay, I think I've got it. Thanks!

Also, Killa, sorry, I haven't been on in a while, so I forgot that it was so simple. You leave for a month or two and you forget everything...


9 years ago



Why would there be an article on this? It's literally just making a variable and then using on page scripting to show it whenever it comes up.

This is an article about on page variable scripting if you don't know what I'm talking about: