Cat2002116, The Dramatist
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I'm 38 years old, Christian and an avid lover of reading and writing. I've been doing both for as long back as I can remember.
My first book, Ice Warriors: Key of Midgard was self-published through Amazon and can be purchased through all the versions of said site.
The current novel I'm working on is Blood War, a young adult dystopian horror.
'Fear Street meets The Purge.'
It started with the blood sickness.
On the first day and the first hour of the New Year, nearly half of the population threw up blood. And others began crying blood.
And so began the first recorded bloodbath. Murderers and victims. Five hundred years of serial killers and those they prey on. And the third group, the bystanders, only able to stand by as violence rips through their society.
Murderers and victims. And the bystanders who let it happen. It's the way of life, here in Red View.
If only they knew why....
For anyone who might be interested in following my writing progress, you can do so on my Facebook Group, which can be found here.
I also own and moderate a blog where I post reviews of movies, books, TV series, and occasionally video games, theater shows, and interactive experiences. I'm also currently doing a pharmacy technician apprenticeship; the course is due to end in February 2025, so next year, I will hopefully be a fully qualified pharmacy technician!
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Set in the world of The Ancient One. Arendin and Rain have lived many lives together, and have fought against the Ancient One and his insidious evil in many of those lives.
In this storygame, you play as Arendin the day before a coming battle with the Ancient One, who is in control of the King's Army. But in spite of your previous conflicts with Alaric Thorne, you are unprepared for just how deep the Ancient One's plans go..
Scribe's Note: Arendin and Rain have been reincarnated multiple times, and have always been given different birth names by their parents in each life. However, as they adopt their original names once their memories have been awakened, I will use the names Arendin and Rain.
(Please be aware that this storygame contains mature themes, such as sexual content, violence, scenes of abuse, and mind control. A lot of the more adult content will depend on paths you take in this storygame, but I'm not going to warn for those in the storygame, as I don't want to pull anyone out of the story. Just be aware that the Anything Goes rating fits some of the paths here).
This game also contains a same-sex male/male relationship and hints at a second in other paths.
If you reach what appears to be a dead end, or there's only one choice, try looking in your inventory.
Written for the rebellion contest December 2024.
The Ancient One, a being of immense power always hungry for more, has been the downfall of societies over thousands of years. Now, in the modern world, he has struck again. He has exerted his influence over Dominants, forcing them to treat their subs (or potential subs) cruelly and harshly. The only way to break his control is for the sub to submit fully. This is something that has been hard for any sub to do over the centuries, and so the Ancient One's power grows with each soul he consumes, draining the Dominant entirely of their lifeforce and leaving them a broken husk.
Draco, a simple saddlemaker, falls prey to the machinations of Headmaster Alaric Thorne, a sadistic man who subjects Draco to terrible cruelty and abuses the students under his care. As Draco learns how evil Thorne really is, he forms a close bond with one of Thorne’s students; a bond that may be instrumental in saving their world from the evil that threatens it.
In this story, you play as Arthur, as he returns to the Academy to retrieve a forbidden book to leave for someone in the future to find, creating allies that the Ancient One won't be aware of because they haven't been born yet.
This story does have some hints of Dominant/submissive themes, and certain paths will contain scenes of torture. There is also a sex scene right at the beginning. I won't warn for those paths, but just please be aware of what you might discover within.
Written for Summer's End Synergy Contest, using this prompt: A recent event has caused the protagonist to go through a difficult change.
You're a patient in a psychiatric hospital, having been admitted there on the instructions of your family, who are no longer able to take care of you. But despite the best efforts of the doctors trying to treat you, you're still in the grip of the delusions they tell you you're suffering.
Every night, when you dream, you find yourself in a fantasy world of dragons, magic, elves, and warriors. Your dreams feel as real to you as your life in the hospital; perhaps even more real. But the doctors tell you that there's something wrong with your mind; that you cannot differentiate fantasy from reality. And you're in the hospital for treatment.
As the days progress and your condition doesn't get any better, you find yourself wondering if the doctors are right. Are your dreams merely fantasy, or are they glimpses into another world?
Or is something far more sinister going on?
More than two decades ago, a series of brutal murders rocked the small town of Rivercrest. Several students at the high school lost their lives in the massacre, and the murderer was never caught.
Your parents were survivors of the massacre and it's made them extremely overprotective of you. You find yourself chafing against their constant rules, especially when combined with the curfew set through the whole town. It's been twenty years since there were any murders...since there was any crime.
But one day, all of that changes. After your own mother is murdered brutally, you find yourself thrown back in time....before the Rivercrest High School murders occurred.
Can you stop the murders and figure out who the killer is before you end up another victim?
Recent Posts
Secret Santa 2024: Results on 1/23/2025 8:12:47 PMThank you so much for organising this! It was honestly a joy to take part in, and everyone's contributions were great!
And thank you for my gift, Anthraxus! It was a really nice review.
End Master's Prompt Contest 4 on 1/22/2025 3:02:38 AM
That's really cool!
Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread on 1/17/2025 7:55:39 PM
Things are now slightly over-complicated due to running an rpg also set in this world, so.... (In this third story, Elrond is the player character).
Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread on 1/17/2025 7:29:53 PM
Fantasy. Third in my series, because the prompt fits.
Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread on 1/15/2025 8:00:51 PM
For some stupid reason, I decided to have the player character have a journal with them that has entries from their loved one who has passed away...and that most of the pages would have the option to use the journal (i.e., read a page); mostly to learn about the history, but also to unlock choices every so often.
I really wish I hadn't decided to do that now. It was one of those ideas that felt like a good one at the time.
My laptop has now reached a point where it doesn't want to play music, which really sucks. I need a new laptop, but I need to be earning more to get a new laptop (apprenticeship wage has had me pretty much living from paycheck to paycheck and having to move twice has been Not Helpful), but I normally have a few songs that fit the feel for whatever project I'm working on, then sometimes create a playlist and other times just listen to the same song (or couple of songs) on repeat.
Secret Santa Guesses on 1/13/2025 6:59:10 PM
I got five right.
Honestly, I had no clue over most of them. I did try to use the sleuthing thread (thanks, Avery!), but I'm just not very good at seeing the patterns in people's work, I guess.
❆ Secret Santa 2024 ❆ on 1/11/2025 10:45:47 PM
Thank you so much for organising this and for all your hard work!
Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread on 1/11/2025 10:32:07 AM
True. I often imagine things in pictures, almost movie style, so writing it out really doesn't work.
Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread on 1/11/2025 10:30:29 AM
Huh. That makes a lot of sense, to be honest. I feel very similarly about all of my assignments for my apprenticeship, too.
Secet Santa Sleuthing on 1/10/2025 6:41:19 PM
Is there a form to submit guesses? I don't seem to be able to find it.