urnam0, The Apprentice Scrivener
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My favorite online CYOA games are The Paradox Factor, Ground Zero, Necromancer, Eternal, and The Devil's Fire.
"I bring ... death! How dare you try and give me life?"
Trophies Earned

An allegory.
Author's note: the title of this story is actually The Fire, but someone else already created a storygame with that title, so I couldn't give it the title that I wanted. My second choice for the title was The Light, but another person already took that title as well, so, if you don't mind, just pretend that the title of this story is The Fire.
A story set in medieval China.
Note: Even early on in the game you can lose by making a strategically erroneous choice so choose carefully.
My interpretation of one of my favorite TV shows from childhood: Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? This work is primarily based on the TV game show version rather than the computer game, book, or cartoon versions.
Author's note: Please do not cheat by using the Back button- just remember to Save the game every time you're promoted and Restore if you happen to lose.
P.S. See if you can find all the Easter Eggs!
Recent Posts
What subjects do you like to read? on 3/26/2025 9:50:58 PMHe'll just need to ask us if he can use AI and how long of a story he should write and he'll have hit the noob trifecta.
Do men hate reading? on 3/24/2025 7:31:16 PM
The difference just seems to be the gender of the protagonist.
Do men hate reading? on 3/24/2025 6:29:58 PM
Maybe it's less that men hate reading than that women just hate watching porn. Men just get their rocks off via another medium, while women do it through books.
Thunderdome: Valentine's Match on 2/20/2025 12:40:22 PM
Story B was good; Story A was alright.
Cavus' Nook of Reviews - Looking for suggestions on 2/12/2025 8:46:05 PM
Genre (that I'm in the mood for) --> Rating (I usually wouldn't read stories that are too lowly rated) --> Title (catches my attention or compelling) --> Description (the additional info still makes it sound like something that I'd enjoy) --> Shorter length (preferred)
My storygame reading selection algorithm.
Failed Low Tier Bait. Better Luck Next Time. on 2/4/2025 11:38:01 AM
I know he isn't as active as he used to be, but calling BerkaZerka an edgelord is going a bit too far.
FRANCE TRIP THREAD on 1/31/2025 4:40:38 AM
My favorite dish to make is blanquette de veau, though I sometimes substitute the veal with pork for economical reasons, so there's that.
I think I want to make a story. on 1/30/2025 9:32:22 AM
go 2 skool. dunt drop owt. pay attenshun to yur ing lish teechur.
That's all there is to it!
Everyone! Check out how amazing Fresh’s art on 1/24/2025 12:25:04 AM
I had no idea anyone was that into high cholesterol.
Flutter Leaving the Site Part 4 on 1/14/2025 11:45:06 AM
We're going to need to add an Emergency Contacts section to the account creation system.