urnam0, The Apprentice Scrivener

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Last Activity

9/9/2024 5:18 PM

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Storygame Count


Duel Stats

21 wins / 25 losses


Architect Exemplar


















My favorite online CYOA games are The Paradox Factor, Ground Zero, Necromancer, Eternal, and The Devil's Fire.





"I bring ... death! How dare you try and give me life?"


tower badge

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Earning 500 Points Earning 1,000 Points Having 1 Storygame(s) Featured Given by BerkaZerka on 08/30/2021 - Oh hey! Nice to see you around again! Given by Will11 on 01/14/2018 - For your great stories


The Flame

An allegory.


Author's note: the title of this story is actually The Fire, but someone else already created a storygame with that title, so I couldn't give it the title that I wanted. My second choice for the title was The Light, but another person already took that title as well, so, if you don't mind, just pretend that the title of this story is The Fire.

Warlords: Strategic Conquest

A story set in medieval China.

Note: Even early on in the game you can lose by making a strategically erroneous choice so choose carefully.

Featured Story Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?


My interpretation of one of my favorite TV shows from childhood: Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? This work is primarily based on the TV game show version rather than the computer game, book, or cartoon versions.

Author's note: Please do not cheat by using the Back button- just remember to Save the game every time you're promoted and Restore if you happen to lose.


P.S. See if you can find all the Easter Eggs!

Recent Posts

Difficult Reads on 8/25/2024 8:47:26 PM

Finnegans Wake

Thunderdome 13 continued: Ravenic vs Wizzycat! on 7/19/2024 1:57:48 AM

I just wanted to say that Story B is one of the better Thunderdome entries that I have read.

Have links to specific posts on front page on 7/14/2024 3:55:11 PM

The same is also true if you click on the thread titles in the Last Post section on the right side from the main "Forums" page (though it does take you directly to the newest post if you click on the title in the Last Post section from each individual subforum itself).

The Curse of Thunderdome 13, Duel A on 7/3/2024 8:18:18 PM

Story A:

Good, solid story under competition conditions. The action scenes were the best, and I wished there were more of them. There were a lot of small things that could have been improved, but you can't expect a perfect story with such little time. The biggest weakness was that it wasn't clear that Yelas was on the boat when Remol was conducting the floating test ritual- I had thought that Yelas had been standing on the ground the whole time.


Story B:

Decent story under competition conditions. The beginning and end were good, while the middle was mediocre. The writing was worse than that of Story A. The tone was inconsistent and a lot of stuff just straight up didn't make sense. The vocabulary was good, at least.


My vote is for Story A.

Point-and-Click Adventure Games on 6/26/2024 10:59:27 AM

I just wanted to shout out a little hidden gem that I played many years ago titled Out of Order.

It's a freeware game, but complete in every way. You might still be able to play it if you know your way around computers.





Edit: Sam and Max was fun, too.

POV modes on 6/21/2024 6:09:09 PM


Thunderdome 12: Milton vs Petros vs ???? on 6/5/2024 4:10:29 PM

with the mc deciding to re-engage with her parents being written in a suprisingly realistic manner compared to what came before

On a personal note I have to wonder why the mc of Story A didn't have any desire to keep using the type writer...feels rather strange to suggest at the end that she just abandoned it for no reason like that...

Did ... did you read the ending wrongly?

Thunderdome 12: Milton vs Petros vs ???? on 6/5/2024 3:55:31 PM

Story A



1. Plotting

2. Dialogue- it was natural and well-tagged



1. Punctuation



1. Lack of overall polish that makes some parts come off as an outline or pre-draft notes instead of a written story

Not too long ago, her father asked Britney to clean the attic, the one chore of the month he assigned to her. It never got cleaned. Instead, she stuffed his gift to her up there without any intention of going back to it. Now, she finds herself walking up to it, slowly and deliberately. She set it on a small table facing the attic window, with a bean bag seat opposite to it. It made the space more comfortable. More importantly, it let the thing see the outside world rather than spend its days in darkness.

Take this paragraph, for example. There was way too much repetition of the word it, along with no transition between the attic and typewriter antecedents.


The ending was good, but I think that it would have been a less predictable and better twist ending for Britney to win in a final fight against the typewriter and, in the end, not really learning any lessons and destroying the typewriter or something like that, in a bleaker ending of sorts.



Story B



1. Word choice

2. Phrasing

3. More polished writing than Story A, and more complete than Story C



1. Confusing ending- I still don't quite understand what happened at the end there. I'm trying my best to glean some sort of satisfying conclusion from this story, but just keep coming up empty.


I would have voted for it if not for the ending, a major issue that marred an otherwise good story.



Story C



1. A more dramatic premise than the other two

2. Better pacing, with no slow-paced paragraphs that were found in the other two stories

3. Descriptiveness

4. Vocabulary



1. Gasps don't rumble



1. Incompleteness, obviously

2. Tense change midway through for no reason


I enjoyed the writing of Story C the most. I also enjoyed reading each ----------- as a colorful curse word. I pictured a smartphone for the final box.



I guess I enjoyed Story A the most overall, mostly by dint of its solid story structure and being complete, so I'll vote for Story A, but C and B could have easily won had they fixed their correctable flaws.

Thunderdome 11: Bezro vs Suranna vs ???? on 5/18/2024 9:20:39 AM

Story B.

2nd CYS Review Competition! on 5/1/2024 12:30:17 PM

How about the writing of a cameo appearance for the winner into your next story, or whenever a character based on or at least named after the winner becomes feasible?