Player Comments on A Love to Fight For
I left this story with almost no knowledge of what just happened
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on 1/17/2014 7:25:12 PM with a score of 0
Far too rushed; love stories are about love, love is about feelings, feelings can only be formed by sharing memories and making connections, if you had introduced Sandro at the pre-story party and/or gave some dialogue with Marcus the story would have been bounds better.
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on 1/17/2014 7:09:56 PM with a score of 0
When I read a love story I expect some love...
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on 1/13/2014 10:12:12 PM with a score of 0
You double timed to option, and there's not much action you can with them, I mean seriously met Sandro and Wedding after that are you cray-cray?
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on 1/12/2014 3:55:56 PM with a score of 0
What can I say? It's a generic love story with the classic clichés of a love story.
I don't bond with the characters, Sandro AND Marcus mean nothing to me, so I don't feel bad about ditching either of them. I just met Marcus, I hardly know the guy, and honestly I don't see anything that makes Sandro too repulsive to marry besides my lack of feelings for him.
I don't know (exactly) what time period this story is set in, but either way the idea of arranged marriage doesn't make sense. The idea of advantageous marriage has existed (and worked, for that matter) for literally thousands of years, why should I (in the story) be any different? And if this story is set in the present day, isn't it a bit less socially acceptable to be marrying for benefits? Even though I don't want to marry Sandro, it's even stupider to run off with a near-stranger.
Overall, this story isn't complete crap like some, but it has a long way to go. Make the readers feel SOMETHING when they read the story, ANYTHING.
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on 1/12/2014 2:14:12 PM with a score of 0
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