alienalpha, The Dramatist
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Work on a fan fiction involving the joker (maybe?)
Later on:
Work on AMIE
About Me:
I am an alien (if only). I like sci - fi stuff and love strategy stuff even better. I will be making many sci - fi games, mainly because i am into that genre. I love reading stories almost as much as I like writing them. Please read my stuff and comment. After all I can't get better without some feedback.
I am more than happy to take down some suggestions for a new story or expansion upon the old ones. Instead of making a bunch of stories I prefer to refine the ones I already have so don't hesitate to message me some "additions" you would like to see in the next patch.
Trophies Earned

A.M.I.E. stands for Artificial Mutating Intelligent Entity. You are AMIE's handler Dr.Raymond. Your job is to teach AMIE. As she learns from you she will eventually surpass human intelligence and what happens after that depends on what you have taught AMIE before she became so.
Evolve to new heights! The ultimate sci-fi adventure starts here and ends with you. You control an avatar who's decisions shape the future of an entire species on the planet omicron.
There are a few open slots for species that have not been filled yet. Submit your idea(s) for a species that could evolve in the seas of omicron and I will take the best ideas and integrate them into the story with their own storyline. All I need is a description and any thoughts pertaining to your creature. There are not many positions open so you are not guaranteed to have your ideas appear into the next update. Contact with a mail, or showcase your idea when you finish for all to see. What I am looking for is plausible, creative, and over the top creatures. So get your creative juices flowing while you play and make that dream creature you always wanted to be, but you knew could never happen.
"Truth in knowledge. Knowledge gives trust. Trust within truth." - Adrigan the Chronicler
Adrigan has founded the guild of Mage. Only a select few has actually seen the visage of Adrigan. You are not one of them. For you are merely a student, or are you?
15 Question Quiz on the Elder Scrolls.
Not that hard if you've played the games.
pruzah gluus!
Take a front row seat to the perspective of a madman. He is an agent of chaos. A force of nature. A man with no past. He is a clown.
A random story game where you try to live though all the randomness. Randomness has one "true" ending try to find it (You'll know it when you see it). Rate it and comment so i can improve upon the next part of the series.
Recent Posts
IF's and PAGETEXT's on 1/26/2013 7:29:25 PM
IF's and PAGETEXT's on 1/4/2013 8:50:17 AM
the > 0 doesn't affect it, I made the reserchpt variable display on every page and the variables are working fine it still doesn't show up on the page. I think it might be the PAGETEXT variable buggin out, its weird because it works for all the other pages. I didn't think that you could go that route. how would it look like if I swapped it out with the pagetexts? and would it work is the bigger question. I had another idea what might be wrong, there is no text in the document. Would a blank document affect how the text is added to it?
IF's and PAGETEXT's on 1/3/2013 3:54:30 PM
Code has to:
1. be initiated by REASEARCHPT not being zero
2. The block of code has to check all of the variables and add all the ones you have together
Nested IF statements on 12/9/2012 5:17:01 PM
What is the correct syntax for nesting?
Variable 1 and Variable 2 must equal 1 in order for the following text to appear "Syntax errors are so fun!"
Vaanishing Scripting Text on 9/4/2012 7:24:26 AM
I knew the workaround. I just hoped that I wouldn't have to use it :(. I used the whole time and population 1 and 2 because in some cases a bug showed up where time would be the same but population would still increase. It would only work if the time "stood still". Thanks for the help fellas I'll check out the revised code soon.
Vaanishing Scripting Text on 9/3/2012 12:54:42 PM
GLOBAL LINK------------------------------------------------
" + %TIME + "
" + "0" + "
" + %TIME + "
You already know the page script that i put up, and An item is used to get to the page with a previous page link. The variables used are time (gains 1 per link click), population (gains 1% per click), and the variables representing technology which are either 1 or 0 and gain 1 point when chosen on the research page. Everything works out except that one page where i cant make more than 1 entry appear.
Vaanishing Scripting Text on 9/2/2012 5:09:36 PM
Okay I cleaned the code out and it still didn't work. I checked the variables and it isn't them.
-----NEW CODE-----
$PAGETEXT := " You have not gained any technology yet."
$PAGETEXT := " You have invested in commerce. This means that you are no longer a bartering system market. Instead you swap smaller goods to replace the bulky goods. You can use paper, metal, seashells, or anything else that is readily handy and in great quantities."
$PAGETEXT := " Stone tools are used to make other more useful items. From animal skin pelts to the mining of ore stone tools are what gets the ball rolling to make the higher end items."
$PAGETEXT := " Clothing shields the wearer from the elements."
-----END OF CODE-----
I put the line of code after begin because I have an idea. What if I made the page blank and then added in the text that I want? What I want to know is how can I make the text that have passed the IF statements add into the "blank" page? I kept the pagetext in the beginning of the if statements so it would validate. I need the pagetext of the if statements to be replaced by the addition code piece(es). Is this "addition to a blank" a valid solution?
Vaanishing Scripting Text on 9/1/2012 7:42:56 PM
I have a problem. I set up the local page code to where if a variable item is 1 (reader has the item) then some text will be displayed. somehow the script isn't reading in multiple text blocks. Say you have two items it will only show one. Here is the code I use for the page...
------------------------------------------------------------------CODE STARTS UNDER HERE---------------------------------------------------------
$PAGETEXT := $PAGETEXT + " You have not gained any technology yet."
$PAGETEXT := $PAGETEXT + " You have invested in commerce. This means that you are no longer a bartering system market. Instead you swap smaller goods to replace the bulky goods. You can use paper, metal, seashells, or anything else that is readily handy and in great quantities."
$PAGETEXT := $PAGETEXT + " Stone tools are used to make other more useful items. From animal skin pelts to the mining of ore stone tools are what gets the ball rolling to make the higher end items."
$PAGETEXT := $PAGETEXT + " Clothing shields the wearer from the elements."
-------------------------------------------------------------------CODE STOPS HERE-------------------------------------------------------------
A few things you should know the page its used on is the right one, and yes i know that the first line is awfully redundant and pointless it is there due to personal preference. Secondly Yes there is a variable in there and yes that part DOES work and doesn't affect the rest of it (that I know of).
Am I using the $PAGETEXT wrong? or it is something simple that I had overlooked? someone help me :(
A Civilization-like Game? on 8/18/2012 11:00:47 PM
I personally love CIV's. Go for it man. Make some bonus races playable as a reward when you win. Like the Atlanteans, or Martians. Something awesome and crazy :)
Sci-Fi on 4/30/2011 9:16:21 PM
thanks for helping. with what you told me i have created a new storygame. it isn't AMIE, but the other one. combining zombies, exploration, and mad science i decided to make the main characters borg. survival and re-building are def the backbone to the story. Although i will give a few spoilers it wont be enough to ruin the game.