Allusional, The Wordsmith
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Al·lu·sion noun \uh-loo-zhuh n\: a statement that refers to something without mentioning it directly
-al adjective suffix: of, relating to, or characterized by
"Really, Hagrid, if you are holding out for universal popularity, I'm afraid you will be in this cabin for a very long time. Not a week has passed since I became headmaster when I haven't had at least one owl complaining about the way I run [Hogwarts]. But what should I do? Barricade myself in my study and refuse to talk to anybody?"
-Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
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Need ideas on 3/21/2014 9:33:54 PMCurse those filthy idea-pilferers! This--this is imagination piracy! The cruel irony!
I see--kind of like the broken-memory/bits-and-pieces style like Snow? It'll be good to put a spin off of the ordinary concept, maybe like lead the reader on as to how he/she died and then at the last moment throw the real reason right at them in a way they'll never expect (or otherwise add some nice shock value).
I don't know if this will be helpful, but it may give you more ideas:
It's an activity that I did in Writing class once--it's a collection of pictures with captions that are writing prompts and you can write a story that includes something like that picture. It's The Mysteries of Harris Burdick, and apparently the pictures are "mysteries" you're supposed to "solve" by writing a story that revolves around the pictures (although I don't recall middle-schoolers doing this project...)
Need ideas on 3/21/2014 8:08:31 PM
The sentence is really catchy, but you may want to consider rewriting it, because it sounds a bit too much like this:
So the story looks like it'll be about a dead protagonist and/or main character? Well, it kind of depends on the genre and style of the story desired. For a sad story, maybe the person writing the letter committed suicide for some reason that involves the reader? For a more comical/lighter story, maybe someone writing a letter from some sort of afterlife?
Or perhaps taking random bits of plot from tons of stories and cobbling them together? I do that sometimes XD
But at any rate, it only takes a couple of idea scraps to make a colorful story.
Hello on 3/21/2014 5:56:16 PM
Thanks everyone for the welcome!
Hello on 3/20/2014 6:42:57 PM
I never did get around to making an introduction thread, as I didn't expect to post anything on the forums. My apologies for jumping out of the shadows those random times. And for, you know, making an introduction three months late.
Honestly, the high activity of these forums kind of intimidated me at first since I'm as every bit as wallflower-ish on the Internet as I am in real life. So yeah.
Non-Linear games? on 2/27/2014 5:14:51 PM
Well Snow only had two real endings, and they were pretty similar to each other. Snow was definitely more "story" than "game". Haunted is (in my opinion) one of the most diverse and non-linear games here.
Question on 1/27/2014 10:15:28 AM
Hi! I found the end of the demo, but I'm not sure what choices you made throughout the game, or if this is the only ending of the game. Well, these are the links that I clicked to get to the end:
1. Begin
2. Stand up and look around
3. Pull it! (lever)
4. The Second Box
5. Find any other levers to pull
6. Try to escape
How is it? on 1/24/2014 6:53:30 PM
Personally, I feel like this story takes place at least in the 2000's, if not in the present day, because: a) the implication that Dick's parents are divorced, b) the specification of what model year that Corvette came from, and c) Dick's mother presumably flying to New Zealand, when air travel is considerably cheaper.
Side note: Just by poking around on the Internet, a Chevrolet Corvette costs around $4500 (not in today's money) in the 1960s. The distance by air (because cruises weren't very popular then) between the U.S. (I used Nevada as a benchmark given the "hot" climate the story takes place in) and New Zealand is, give or take, 7,000 miles. Today, commercial planes are capable of making such a trip nonstop, but I can't say the same for a story that takes place forty, fifty years ago. And back then, commercial flight cost an arm and a leg, crashes happened often, and it was rare to be on a flight from Cleveland to New York, never mind a flight to New Zealand.
Saying all this stuff makes me sound like a psycho cross-analyzing perfectionist, and I am. Just the way I see things; can't stand it when stories aren't researched before they're written.
How is it? on 1/24/2014 9:45:28 AM
You probably don't know me, but...hello! now you do.
I like the writing style of the piece. Maybe you should better specify who Dick is, I had trouble telling if Etta was already driving away with Dick's father or simply dropping him off. There's also a few grammar mistakes you should correct.
I'd also like to point out a plot hole with this story. It states that Etta had won $10,000; there's a big problem with that. Not even today can you get a nice car for $10,000, no way can you get a 1959 Corvette (in mint condition, too) for ten grand. You'd easily break the 100k mark with that kind of car, and I'm no expert either. Not to mention a vacation to New Zealand.
So bottom line is, don't be afraid to research before you write, and always proofread before publishing.
Thanks! on 1/7/2014 12:40:57 PM
Thank you everyone for your input so far! Based on what I've read, I'll continue with the writing. Right now, I can't really give a clear idea of how long this story will take, but I can tell you that there will be a few different ultimate outcomes at the end of the story for each character, currently I'm experimenting with some basic variables to influence which outcomes the player can achieve.
Again, thanks so much for your opinions, it really helps! I'll still be checking back on this forum if anyone else would like to submit their opinions!
Opinions on a Story? on 1/4/2014 3:13:32 PM
I know this sounds really similar to (if not congruent with) other posts on this forum, but I'm currently writing a new story, and I'd like some opinions on it before I write too much. Bear with me, while I begin my ramble....
I'll give you a rundown of the basic storyline. This is a story, historical fiction, about four characters and their struggles in early 20th-century America. This story is meant to revolve around the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire disaster of 1912, and how it affected those around them. Forgive me, I know I'm not selling the story well D: I just don't want to give away too much.
Based on just what I've told you, I want to get your opinion of how you'd like the story. Like I said earlier, this is a story, so don't expect a branching storyline of choices, if there is one at all. Also, this is a historical fiction, which I understand isn't a favorite genre for lots of people. I dunno about you guys, the readers, but I personally enjoy these genres; but it doesn't really matter what I think, you're the ones I want to please :)
If you like:
- Historical Accuracy
- Stories, not so much CYOAs
- Multiple plots
- Historical Fiction
You will probably like this game.
Thanks for your input!
As a side note, I'd also like to state that if you've seen my first (and so far only) story game, I'll give you some good news: this story will not be like that one. That story was basically for the purpose of learning, and this new one that I am writing right now has undergone extensive planning (as you can tell, that last one was just made up as I went along). Breathe a sigh of relief!
To give you a better view of this story, I can tell you this: it's going to be a dark, serious story (nothing morbid, nothing gruesome), so no humor will be involved. It will be written by alternating different characters' perspectives (shifting between narrators), and it will be kind of like an RPG (will be used with Advanced Editor, so there are some variables that can and will change the ultimate outcome of the story). I'll elaborate more about it depending on how many replies to this thread I receive.