Okay, so I started writing a CYS game for the Spring Thing that closes near the beginning of April... And I kind of ran out of juice. The game I'm making is supposed to be 5 chapters long and with about 3 weeks to go, I haven't even finished chapter 2. Wouldn't be so bad except that I've got writer's block and just can't seem to motivate myself to finish the story, so that sucks.
Still, I don't want to give up on the Spring Thing, so I figured maybe I'd quickly use the next couple of weeks to write a short story that still leaves an impact. (Kind of like Snow.)
So far I've only had one idea, and that's just for the first line. Was thinking of starting the story with: "Hello, my name is (haven't thought of a name yet), and if you're reading this letter then I'm already dead."
... And, that's all I got. Anybody got any ideas where I could go from there?