Player Comments on Lorem Ipsum
So I fucking went ahead and tortured myself through this... twice (edit: thrice). God how I wish I was an admin and could just edit in an end-game link after the first page.
The first time I actually managed to beat the entire fucking game without speaking a word of french, or translating anything. I just randomly clicked every link over and over, and used items at random locations, until I got through eventually. Despite that, I apparently still managed to get the best ending (talking to Dumbledore)... I could be wrong, but it had 3 stars next to the name. Perhaps there are even better ones?
So at that point I was incredibly pissed off about how much time I wasted, and wanted to give this a 1... but then I was like, that's not what a good CYStian should do. So I fucking went through it again, this time using google translate.
I can't comment on the grammar or the spelling, seeing as google translate probably butchered that terribly, but this was not "my immortal" levels of bad. It was just like... boring I guess? I still don't know what the fuck Hagrid was doing, or why I can't visit him. I didn't really try too hard anyway.
The fact the author actually implemented a fight, even if it did seem janky as fuck, means he probably put a lot of effort into this, even if it wasn't exactly my cup of tea.
Not too sure about the maturity rating being "1/8" seeing as I was almost fucking killed by a venomous tentacula. In hindsight, I probably should have just let it kill me, maybe that'd have let me access the endgame link sooner (edit: I actually went and fucking played this through a third time, to see if that is the case, nope, you just respawn... and I also apparently died once during the "randomly click" playthrough and got a skull... probably should have seen what that was all about).
Played 440 times and finished 10 times is all you need to know about this game honestly. It's quite annoying to get through. Especially cause it's not in fucking English. Unless you either
A) Speak French
B) Are obsessively into Harry Potter
C) Going after the rating trophy as I am
I recommend you skip this one.
5/8 for the effort and the fact I like HP, but my subjective experience of this game was a fucking 1/8.
Edit after the third playthrough: I now realize why people hate reset game links. You at least could have made a death ending end my misery. The final ranking is 4/8, but if I was not a rule-abiding citizen I'd tank the rating down hard for that design choice.
Final edit: I see the author has ANOTHER HP fanfiction on the site, that one 112384 words in length. 7.3 times the length of this game. Fuck me I am not looking forward to it. Whose cock do I have to suck for a first page endgame link there?
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on 10/1/2022 10:04:59 PM with a score of 0
Etant un des rares francophones du site il me semblait important de faire un retour, même si je ne suis pas très fan des jeux à énigmes et des fanfics d'Harry Potter.
Tout d'abord, il n'y a pas de faute de grammaire ou d'orthographe qui saute aux yeux, et les énigmes/scripts fonctionnent correctement.
L'histoire manque de descriptions et d'un fil directeur. Il conviendrait d'étoffer un minimum l'intrigue avant de d'ajouter des énigmes ou de les rendre plus difficiles.
Si l'auteur veut bien retravailler le jeu, il pourrait être intéressant d'en apprendre un peu plus sur l'auteur du grimoire.
Faire interagir le héros avec d'autres protagonistes pourrait aussi permettre de faire disparaître cette impression de suivre une quête secondaire. Le personnage principal n'a pour l'instant pas d'autres motivation que la curiosité ou l'avidité.
Les énigmes sont simples (surtout la première) et suffisamment variées.
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on 7/8/2020 7:42:02 AM with a score of 0
C'est donc l'infâme Harry Potter français. C'était en fait un très beau jeu, mais pourquoi, oh, pourquoi doit-il être français? Et il n'y a pas de liens de fin de jeu, ils ne sont pas géniaux.
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on 10/25/2022 4:50:57 PM with a score of 0
I solved it!!
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on 4/15/2022 3:06:19 PM with a score of 0
It took me an embarrassingly long time to get past the first puzzle. The answers to the forest creature's riddles were not translated so I had to figure out the words in French. Other than that It was pretty good.
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on 3/3/2022 12:10:41 PM with a score of 0
*Avertissement: je suis anglaise, donc vous allez trouver beaucoup de fautes dans cette revue.
Je suis fana de Harry Potter, et donc j'avais hâte de lire cette histoire, mais en meme temps, j'étais aussi assez sceptique; je trouve que le fan-fiction ne peut jamais faire concurrence avec les livres originals.
Cependant, j'ai bien aimé Lorem Ipsum: l'écriture m'a paru très éloquente, il y avait beacoup à découvrir, et ce n'était ni trop facile, ni trop difficile!
Quelque chose qui aurait rendu cette histoire encore mieux, c'est si le protagonist avait fait cette quête avec un(e) ami(e), un peu comme le disait mazdark. En plus, je voulais en savoir plus sur le protagonist (quelle année au collège, sa famille, ses amis) avant de chercher le Lorem Ipsum, pour que je puisse devenir plus engagée dans sa mission.
Mais, apart cela, j'étais fortement impressionée; tu as dû passer beaucoup de temps à écrire un tel jeu, et je pense que J.K.Rowling, si elle pouvait le lire, ne dirait que c'est pas mal non plus!
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on 7/15/2020 5:14:01 AM with a score of 0
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