fresh_out_the_oven, The Apprentice Scrivener
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Hiya! It's me, fresh. I'm a writer of light-toned and comical stories, frequent forum poster, maker of 5,000 clicky links, prolific comma hater (iykyk), designated keeper of noobs, CYS Monthly Gazette staff member, and EndMaster's fifth daughter (est. 11/7/2024 12:21:58 CST).
Oh, and I draw things sometimes. Feel free to message me with a request, and definitely feel free to pay me (though I'll do it anyway)
My Short Stories (at least the ones worth reading)
"Saint Fresh" -Dire
"You should be proud" -Sherb
"I think you are kind of tolerable on occasion." -TCat
"You are so cool. My writing idol." -Suranna
"Petros is still my favorite mean girl, though, sorry Fresh" -Peng
"Fresh just attracts all the UK weirdos" -End
"You make me feel old" -Wizzy
"It's seriously cool of you to notice these little things and be so friendly like this." -RK
"You're really cool too" -Mystic (my role model)
"Well at least we know Fresh will never leave us for an athiest tranny" -Mizal
"She seems alright." -Thara
"You know you're incredibly good at diffusing extreme situations? Like, scarily good." -flutter
"end I think you might have inbred a bit too hard with this daughter" -malk
Achievement Unlocked: Cartoonist
Achievement Unlocked: Based Player
Achievement Unlocked: Daughterhood Upgrade
Achievement Unlocked: Crushed Your Enemy
Achievement Unlocked: News Reporter
Achievement Unlocked: Recruiter
Achievement Unlocked: Shining Beacon of Light
Achievement Unlocked: Secret Ninja Guesser!
Secret Keeper
10th most commended Warden (I broke top ten!)
#4 ranked story of 2023
2nd place entry in EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2
4th place entry in Sherbet's Summer's End Synergy Contest
Runner-Up "most creative gift", Secret Santa 2024
Secondmost Least Secret Santa, Secret Santa 2024
Runner-Up "best overall gift", Secret Santa 2024
Trophies Earned

Your lesbian little sister died horribly because her gay crush fucked her over, but that’s not stopping you from taking up the rainbow flag in her honor.
Welcome to another addition to the iconic Gay and Depressed series (shoutout to queenlatifa04 for the amazing original!!). Speaking of the original, read that masterpiece by clicking this link here.
It's worth mentioning that this is a direct sequel, and the sister mentioned is the MC in the original.
I would also like to point out that some of the more strange aspects of this tale (such as the names of the pages, tone of the story, and several of the endings) are designed as they are to keep the same style as the original.
Second place entry in EndMaster’s Prompt Contest 2
Not to mention a glowing review from End: "Fresh's story is pretty funny"
You see them all the time— serial killers, zombie outbreaks, nuclear fallouts. Of course, you always see them on a movie screen or the pages of a book. Not me.
Hi, I’m Teshi. I play the comedic relief in all your favorite tales of the apocalypse! It’s the best role because if I die, the fans will have the head of the lead scriptwriter. I consider myself pretty well-protected.
That is until all of that goes kerplooey.
Fourth place entry in Sherbet's Summer's End Synergy Contest
Special thanks to:
goodnight_a for proofreading and playtesting
TypewriterCat for playtesting (though that's not what she intended it to be) and for words of encouragement
My irl friends for proofreading, playtesting, and letting me work in peace
Entry in End Master's Prompt Contest 4
Prompt: "a story heavily driven by a love/hate relationship with the antagonist"
A long time ago in a land far, far more gay...
Sir Channing is a knight under rule of King Thom. His successes and failures, as well as every decision between, have more impact on the fate of Thigomisat than he may ever know.
And of course, all of those decisions depend on you.
S'pose you could call it a prequel.
Obligatory content warning: Some paths contain vivid depictions of violence, horror, and gayness. If any of these will traumatize you, just rate it an eight and move on with your day. :P
Thank you so, so much to all y'all who gave me encouragement and proofread/playtested. You know who you are.
things to improve/do before publishing:
go italicize the things that need that
all the parenthetic scenes
some formatting
oh yeah, and actually writing
This story is about Mammon, a promising young boy whose life gets cut short by his father. But for Mammon, this is not the end of the road; it is simply an unforeseen and abrupt turn.
Mammon awakens to find himself a ghost, and must decide what to with his afterlife.
Will he give in to the greed that plagued him in life? Will he use this opportunity to get revenge on those who caused him suffering? Or will he attempt to atone for his sins, now that he has a second chance?
Your city has been living in utter denial of the existence of the gods of yore, and they are angry.
All of them.
As the chosen representative for your hometown, (chosen by the gods, of course) you must complete twelve labors mostly based off of stories from mythology or religious books.
Despite all the religion and spiritual lessons, not every path in this is family friendly. In fact, unless you immediately (or pretty near immediately) die, you'll be subjected to some kind of suggestive talk and most definitely some cussing - some of which could be offensive. So if that's not your thing, don't say I didn't warn you.
For EndMaster's Myth and Religion Contest
Teshi has survived thus far with your help. Can you once again keep our beloved, humorous little protagonist alive?
Honestly I'll probably add this all to the first story someday, but only once it's finished.
Articles Written
How To Not Be Fucking Weird OnlineRecent Posts
This week's reviews on 3/25/2025 9:54:08 PMWhat should I do for a prequel? on 3/25/2025 12:35:36 PM
I would suggest retreating from the forums if you're going to whine about the impression you're making or worse, try to defend yourself from being called stupid (not that you've done the latter, but covering my bases here).
Go read, rate, and review some storygames in need with all this free time! Then work on writing a story yourself.
You haven't really done anything heinously wrong yet, but you've not started off on the right foot, no. I'd recommend reading a few site etiquette articles as well as pinned forum posts before saying more.
Do men hate reading? on 3/24/2025 4:29:46 PM
Do men hate reading? on 3/24/2025 10:12:13 AM
Do men hate reading? on 3/23/2025 3:08:56 PM
I will continue reading until the end of time!
The horizon bled rust, streaked with the desperate claw marks of a sky grappling for its last breath. Ash pirouetted in tortured spirals— a slow, solemn waltz around the skeletal remains of a world long since hollowed out. The wind coursed over the flaky ground, its swan song whistling through the cracks in crumbled buildings and over the pools of liquid nightmare laying in low places, their iridescent and vile surfaces shifting like the unblinking eyes of the careless gods who'd abandoned them.
The broken bones of civilization jutted up from the scorched skin of the Earth; metal twisted beyond recognition reached skyward in one last, doomed plea to the heavens.
And yet, in the center of this vast and endless funeral, a chair stood. And upon this chair sat a man.
His clothes spoke of another era, one before time itself died. Walls had once enclosed him, a roof had once sheltered him, but now they were whispers in the air. Yet he did not stir nor blink at the void yawning around him. He sat in total ignorance.
A breeze swept through the hollow doorway, spiralling through the nothingness where walls had once stood. It reached for the man, but his eyes stayed down, enraptured by the book in his hands.
In the distance, something crumbled. The sound ricocheted throughout the encompassing emptiness. The sky darkened— a wound festering and stretching open. The air pressed down all around the man with a weight beyond gravity.
The universe itself seemed to pause, as though holding its breath, watching, waiting. The moment stretched into eternity, the stillness absolute. Every molecule, every atom stilled, poised on the precipice of something monumental.
And then... then...
He turned the page.
Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules. on 3/23/2025 12:56:10 PM
Prompt Contest 4 Progress Thread on 3/22/2025 11:19:37 PM
I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/20/2025 7:50:53 PM
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