Player Comments on Tane no Monogatari
It was very clear that Japanese isn’t the author’s first language, although I was expecting the grammar to be way worse. It’s not very good, but you understand the grammar mistakes that were being made. It was also apparent to me that the author is somewhat young and lacks common sense in some areas (unless I’m overlooking an attempt to be funny). Again, I could be overlooking an attempt at being funny. If it is a joke, it’s not a very good one.
As far as storygames go, there isn’t much here. I have to believe that since this was done for school, not as much effort was put into it. I think the author could have gotten away with not publishing this as a storygame. The only thing that is storygame related are the links at the bottom of the page. That’s what they are. Links, not choices.
The only saving grace was the use of images. The pictures fit well and were properly sized. They were not distracting or took away from the writing. That being said, when the pictures are the only positive thing in the story, it’s not much of a story lol.
In summary, I would not recommend this game. Not only is it burdening to Google Translate everything, it’s not even worth doing since the story itself isn’t appealing or captures your attention in any way. I don’t think it has to do with the translation either. Please just publish a game in English next time or make the story worth reading if you’re going to make us translate each page.
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on 5/29/2019 10:56:39 AM with a score of 0
I have no idea what was going on. I don't speak Japanese, but I used a translator app and I got a rough idea of where the story was going.
It was really linear, and it's a story of a guy who gets turned into a flower, I think and then gets kidnapped by a bird or something. It was really weird, and random characters would appear out of nowhere, and I think the main character's name is Tane-kun.
There was an attempt at a cohesive story, and events did flow somewhat logically, but it was really weird, and I attribute some of that to mistakes in translation, but it just was't very good. Even if you discount the translator mistakes, the fact remains that the author didn't flesh the details out, or explain who the MC is or what's going on, it's just this weird abstract story that doesn't lend itself well to CYOA format, and not much really happens.
If you're telling a story of metamorphosis you could focus on the fear felt, or maybe bliss at no longer being human, but some kind of emotional affect of being turned into a flower is needed. I mean this dude literally doesn't care, and more text is used to describe the birds and the bees, and your mom's love pouring into you(?????). It was poetic, I'll give it that, but I think more effort could have been put in to transform those nature descriptions into a cohesive story.
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on 12/17/2024 12:11:23 PM with a score of 0
It didn't really make that much sense through translate, so I can't rate it very highly. There also weren't very many choices.
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on 5/15/2023 4:09:06 PM with a score of 0
I defedently liked the piture part of this story.
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on 9/15/2022 9:45:12 PM with a score of 0
Worth playing for the terrible translations such as, “The air is dry, and it hasn't rained for 100 years. The throat is very cute, because it is a seed.”
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on 7/13/2020 10:20:59 AM with a score of 0
I couldn’t understand anything but I’m sure it was interesting...
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on 4/25/2019 7:16:06 PM with a score of 0
i have no idea what this is about
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on 2/14/2018 4:32:53 PM with a score of 0
Not really any choices, not a proper CYS, but interesting.
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on 12/27/2017 6:26:27 PM with a score of 0
My computer has a feature that translates other languages to English, other then that this was a wonderful story.
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on 4/24/2017 9:59:45 PM with a score of 0
Well this was different. It's pretty short, but the writing style worked for what it was.
It would have been nice to have English versions of the links too, but it's not like there were very many; and that's the main problem with this, actually. Only a few choices in the beginning, and none of them mattered. I wish this had some proper branching because I did enjoy it and I'd have liked to give it a higher rating, but as it is it barely qualifies as a CYOA.
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on 4/23/2017 2:07:23 PM with a score of 0
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