CathyAnne, The Reader

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7/7/2020 11:47 AM

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3 wins / 2 losses




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Use with Jaws for Windows and other Screen readers on 4/10/2013 10:08:40 AM

iN the rich text editor, you can't seem to type and hear what yo uare typing with screen readers. please fix this. Also, when you erase, there is not a way to hear what you are erasing. For example, it just says space. You cannoit review text with any commands that would generally be used.

Nee Help on 4/5/2013 2:55:43 PM

i need help with creating links for my story when i Grow Down.

,I'm new on 4/5/2013 11:15:44 AM

Well, Hello folks. i am CathyAnne. i was wondering if i could get help wiht my story. It's called When i grow Down. if you find me in the list of users, you'll see that. i can also be reached at [email protected]. i can talkk on the phone if you would be able to do that.

new help with adding links. i have the plot down. on 4/4/2013 7:21:01 PM

please email me at [email protected]. If you are interestied, let me know. i can also call you via phone.