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How do I change link color?

7 years ago
How do I change link color

How do I change link color?

7 years ago

Okay....would you stop. With. The. Spam. Please? The least you could do is put this all in one thread.

Or hey, I know. Stop being lazy af and actually look at this special little section of CYS. 

How do I change link color?

7 years ago
Already looked and I can't find it

How do I change link color?

7 years ago

Do you know how to turn on advanced scripting?

How do I change link color?

7 years ago
It already on

How do I change link color?

7 years ago
This is also a different question. I'm asking about the LINK color, not the text color

How do I change link color?

7 years ago
Learning html is your answer. Why do you have so many questions revolving around colours and pictures?