
Forums » Writing Workshop » Read Thread

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11 years ago

I've been exploring some wonderful storygames on CYS, and I had a question for players. Do you like it when, on nearly every page, there are two options, basically  -- 1 and 2 -- and one continues the game and 1 ends it/kills you, or do you prefer it when there are 2-5 options, and each of them branches off in a different direction, not necessarily death? I can see how the first would make it real simple to figure out how to succeed in a storygame, but does it ever get old following the same path if you want to keep experiencing a story? 


11 years ago

The former is what kills many games.

While it is certantly easier for the author to write, and for the reader to read, we aren't readers but rather "players". If there is only one correct option, it ignores the purpose of choosing one's own story.

while sometimes it Is neccassary, (can't have every link branch), it is best to allow for multiple branching.


11 years ago

A mix of the two would be good. 


11 years ago

I agree with Aman.

This does not mean that I have joined his side. Amans Mustaches Are Poop.



11 years ago

I found a REAL poop mustache!

Aman's mustache could never live up to that! On a side note, these forums have taught me how to spell mustache and penguin! Either that or Auto-Correct has deemed me a lost cause...