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Page Background Didn't Show Up?

4 years ago

Hi, so I'm new here and currently working on my storygame, and then I tried to do what the guide told me about changing the page background. So I did everything, upload the image, copied the image url, and then writing the formula plus the url, as such :

<body background="">

right before the text of my story, but it didn't show up when I opened the preview page, it just showed up as mere text. Shed some lights, please?

Also, I'm new at html stuffs (as in, completely blind), so, if it mattered, I've tried removing the quotation marks, still didn't work.

Thanks in advance. It's a real pleasure to be a part of this community.

Page Background Didn't Show Up?

4 years ago
Oh, so you're blind too? Welcome to the club! :P

I think the problem here is that by default, the ritch text editor is enabled. That allows you to accomplish most important tasks by just clicking on buttons, but it doesn't play very well with HTML and is shitty in general.

So I recommend you disable it. Go to your profile, uncheck the box before "Use Rich Text Editor" and click on "Update My Account & Profile". After that, you should be able to use HTML code without any problems.

I hope that helps! Welcome to the site, by the way. Remember, don't be an idiot and have fun!

Page Background Didn't Show Up?

4 years ago

Hello there, and welcome. 

I was actually just having this same problem myself, earlier today. I managed to find a nice post by BradinDvorak in one of the forums that explained one solution to this. You just have to put this into the scripting window of the page you want the background on (ignore the line breaks):

$PAGETEXT := "<style>

     body { background: url('insert URL here');


</style>" + $PAGETEXT

The solution using HTML in the source code (as referenced in the post above me) should work as well. However, I've found this solution helpful if you didn't want to disable the RTE. Best of luck!