Stone of the Darkling

A fantasy storygame by Kitsumaru

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Maturity Level7/8

"Anything goes"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 18. If this were a movie, it would probably be R.


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Hundreds of years ago a sorcerer of the royal house Evermore created a gem to hold the lifeforce of their dying king. The Stone of King Kalin III was flawed in it's creation and allowed the dead king to become corrupted by evil energies. (Not that Kalin III was known for kindness in life anyhow.) His son Landan XVI (Landan was a popular name for the firstborns of the Royal line) had the stone sealed in a fabulous marble and gold tomb and covered the whole problem up with wards and curses of unsurpassed quality.
You are the Darkling, the force of evil that resides within the corrupted Soulstone. Centuries have passed as you slumbered in your vault, dreaming of banquets and death. Little remains of Kalin anymore and you are very weak. Can you escape the confines of your prison and fulfill the ancient prophecies of Darkness again consuming the land?

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