ReadingTurtle, The Reader

Member Since


Last Activity

12/14/2023 9:29 AM

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Duel Stats

9 wins / 11 losses





I read and do crazy science. I am newer to this site, and am going to try my best to get to know people, make my writing better, and be a good person. I think most of my writing will be on forums, but I am trying.




A Big Day

A silly game about getting Spagettio ready for an important interview. Funny combinations and things you need to remember to get.

Recent Posts

Random Ideas on 4/17/2023 10:17:01 AM

I think I want to make short stories here, share ideas, and so on. Feedback? I am most likely posting at radom times with random ideas.

Working on a story, ideas? on 3/30/2023 9:31:15 AM


Working on a story, ideas? on 3/30/2023 8:53:33 AM

Can I use this poem you made?

Working on a story, ideas? on 3/30/2023 8:49:42 AM

Alright thanks.

Working on a story, ideas? on 3/29/2023 6:21:14 PM

Ill add it to the first part of the dream! Thanks! (The therapy animal is a rabbit)

Working on a story, ideas? on 3/29/2023 6:19:46 PM

I have an idea where you go to bed after an argument and wake up in a dream world and death leads to you waking up. I also feel like your stress level would be higher the sooner you die in the dream world, and it affects how you react the next day when taking to your mom. At the end words would flow for the poem and one ending you would lose the competition, the other not. There would also be smaller endings. Sorry if you don't understand, I just had this idea!

Working on a story, ideas? on 3/29/2023 3:33:50 PM

I'm not new to poetry, and this does have some meaning, I'm trying to have the character trying to project themselves into the poem, which is a main point of the story. It's not supposed to be an amazing poem, but thanks for the feedback.

Working on a story, ideas? on 3/29/2023 3:22:23 PM

Under the silver moon,

A swan glides over in tune,

With the birds and the crickets,

She lies in a thicket-

"Under the silver moon."

Ari murmurs under a breath. "This isn't working. The poem needs to be better then better if I want to get into the club. But. I. Can't. THINK!"

Ari knocks the written poem of the desk. It falls to the ground in a crumpled mess.

Working on a story, ideas? on 3/29/2023 3:16:31 PM

Wait- wait if Ari was trying to make a poem to send in for something important? And near the end, they know what to write?

Working on a story, ideas? on 3/29/2023 3:11:38 PM

Under the silver moon,

A swan glides over in tune,

With the birds and the crickets,

She lies in a thicket-

"Under the silver moon."

Ari murmurs under a breath.