ellabcee, The Reader

Member Since


Last Activity

6/22/2024 1:39 PM

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Duel Stats

2 wins / 1 loss




I love horror movies, books, and games. I love the thrill of whodunit and the psychological mind games. I hope you can see what I see when you play my favorite games


The Cabin in the Forest
For the spring/summer contest. The secrets you can unlock with just a few memories. Going to unpublish and fix the formatting and try to finish it! Thanks for the advice y'all

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2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin' on 7/3/2023 11:27:05 PM

Finished! Is it a long story? No. Is it good? Nope. Am I still proud of it? I hope so. I hope you guys like reading my first published story on here. I enjoyed making it even with the constant looming deadline, that my adhd brain can't comprehend. I present to you The Cabin in the Forest. I don't know how to make it a link and I don't care enough to figure it out so here's the actual link too.

The Cabin in the Forest

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin' on 6/17/2023 3:52:19 PM
Same lol. I wrote an intro then just scrapped it for a new idea. I don't know if I'm even going to touch it after today

2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin' on 5/23/2023 10:46:54 AM
I may be new here, but I am so in