lillith, The Reader

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7/26/2024 10:28 PM

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2 wins / 1 loss




you will disappear


Middle School simulator set in Blythe California. Cecilia returns to her old district for 8th grade, during this transitional period in her life, the pretty lies of her youth slowly dissolve in front of her eyes. 9 different endings secret endings (: GAME GUIDE (Contains Light Spoilers for those who want to go in head first with no guidance): The game is a fairly straight forward choice based game with 6 Visible Variables 2 Secret counters. After being given a choice, it's important to look in the variable counters to see what choice had effect on the variable. In the case of this game, each Variable is named after a Major character and how they feel about you, the player (Cecilia) What each variable is at will determine the ending you get. ENDINGS GUIDE (SECRET ENDING SPOILERS!!!): Only read if you absolutely do NOT give a fuck or have already gotten one ending and would like to get the rest. This is where you can find the conditions needed for all endings, again if you'd like to get them on your own I recommend not reading any further. M A I N R O U T E S ~~~~~ JASMINE'S ROUTE Conditions: Get 95 or higher with Jasmine. MARINA'S ROUTE Conditions: Get 95 or higher with Marina VIVIAN'S ROUTE Conditions: Get 95 or higher with Vivian AIDEN'S ROUTE Conditions: Get 95 or higher with Aiden JOSIAH'S ROUTE Conditions: Get 95 or higher with Josiah RENE'S ROUTE Conditions: Get 95 or higher with Rene A L T E R N A T I V E R O U T E S ~~~~~ ABSOLUTE ZERO ROUTE Conditions: Get 0 with all major Characters Points in secret variables do NOT count for this ending. PERFECT ROUTE: Conditions: Must have some points with everybody Points in secret variables do NOT count for this ending. NEUTRAL ROUTE: Conditions: You must NOT meet any conditions for any other ending. Points in secret variables do NOT count for this ending. You must not have any Variable be above 95, but must have some points with atleast one character S e C r E t E N D I N G S ~~~~~ (HUGE SPOILERS LAST WARNING) PERFECT 100 ROUTE Conditions: Get all other endings Click on the . link at the very end of the third day. (This link will send you all the way back but with all your points in tact. This is the only possible way to achieve a perfect 100. IRIS's ROUTE Conditions: Get at least 5 of Iris's secret points Must have SOME points with a major character (Doesn't matter who) BRYAN'S ROUTE Conditions: Get at least 5 of Bryan's secret points Must have SOME points with a major character (Doesn't matter who)

GHS: Options for Youth
A game for your messed up childhood Due to chronic absences, Monique Collazo is forced to enroll in a continuation school outside of her district after getting expelled from her old district. 6 different endings

Recent Posts

Endings on 3/1/2024 10:19:58 PM
Thank you. I'm completely fine with writing them and stuff but it's pretty long and I tend to suck at completing long things.

Endings on 3/1/2024 8:52:52 PM
I'm not that experienced so I'm still trying to figure things out here

Endings on 3/1/2024 6:09:05 PM
How many endings do you add to your story games/prefer for a story game. I'm working on one with 11 different endings, would that be too much?

the world feels dead on 1/22/2024 6:44:15 PM
I love that

The forum is dead on 12/9/2023 2:23:52 PM

favorite game on 11/10/2023 11:57:32 PM
Hello Suranna

favorite game on 11/10/2023 1:47:14 AM
what particular game on this site was the most memorable to you? I'm looking for inspiration, it can be funny or serious.

Saturday Night Questionnaire 1 on 9/30/2023 4:09:11 AM

Good Evening on 9/28/2023 11:18:48 PM

Good Evening on 9/28/2023 11:18:32 PM
no, i just usually don't capitalize my username, just a habit