mickmc, The Reader
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Let me start by saying that I was a total nerd as a child (let's be honest, as an adult too).
So I wrote 'choose your own adventure' books (along with lots of other things).
I recently dug this out, I wrote it somewhere around 1980 or 81, which would have made me 10-12 depending on when I actually set pencil to paper (I can remember that it took a while - but even that - who knows what 'awhile' was back then?!?).
My plan is to NOT CHANGE A THING. *edit - I corrected the spelling, it really was driving me a bit batty! (But I also left the original misspellings with a strike)*.
But basically, it's all like it was... the bad spelling, the bad grammar, and possibly one of the worst titles any book could ever have. All that as it was written by that (somewhat) daft little boy.
And not to worry, I write much more gooder now.