Let me start by saying that I was a total nerd as a child (let's be honest, as an adult too).
So I wrote 'choose your own adventure' books (along with lots of other things).
I recently dug this out, I probably wrote it somewhere around 1981, which would have made me 11-12 depending on when I actually set pencil to paper (I can remember that it took a while - but even that - who knows what 'awhile' was back then?!?).
My plan was to NOT CHANGE A THING. But I just couldn't do it. So I corrected the spelling (but I included scans of the original pages if anyone wants to read and see exactly how much of a dummy I was... or am! My faves are when I spelled 'bottle' three different ways on a single page and another place where I actually wrote 'tooken'!)
Let me also state for the record that this is possibly one of the worst titles any book could ever have. Ha ;-D
And not to worry, I write much more gooder now.