magcompany, The Reader

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7/17/2024 8:20 PM

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I'm just a squirrel trying to get a nut.


Or am I a nut, trying to get a squirrel?








Gatekeepers of Boredom

dead end

Alexandra and Hamilton Gates have always been intrigued by their parents work as a historian and archivist. They have grown up hearing stories of lost treasures and ancient civilizations, and they have always dreamed of following in their parent's footsteps. When their parents go missing, leaving them a cryptic message about a lost Aztec treasure, they know that they must take up the search themselves.

As a fan of the National Treasure movies, it's your turn to make history and join the fun - keep your Battery charged, avoid Dead Ends, read HISTORICAL maps - and finish with a perfect 100 SCORE! So sit back, buckle-up and enjoy the ride.

OK, here we go. It was 1832, on a night much like this...

You awaken in an empty room with no memory of who you are or how you got there. As you interact with the touch screen, you realize that each prompt leads to a new revelation about your past. But just as you think you've uncovered the truth, a shocking twist turns everything on its head. The choices you make now will not only determine your fate, but also the fate of those closest to you. Will you be able to handle the consequences of your actions and uncover the dark secrets that have been hidden from you all along?

Here Today
You are a private detective with reoccurring bouts of amnesia. You tell your clients, "your secret is safe with me..." (mostly because you won't remember it).

Recent Posts

How to add "double quotes"+$PAGETEXT on 5/17/2024 4:55:48 PM
Excellent! thanks Brad! thanks all!

How to add "double quotes"+$PAGETEXT on 5/17/2024 4:40:03 PM

How to add "double quotes"+$PAGETEXT on 5/17/2024 4:18:21 PM
How can you add double quotes in the scripted text if the double quotes is the indicator of text. I tried single quotes and two double quotes but I can't seem to get it to work. My variable controls what name to use at the beginning of the page and then the page text continues. The issue is the name from the variable is spoken by the character so it needs to be proceeded by a double quote. This doesn't work because of the two double quotes together before the Name: IF %VAR = 1 =: ""Name," = $PAGETEXT Any suggestions?

Proofreaders Needed. on 5/3/2024 11:29:14 PM

Thanks Alienrun for your constructive criticism, I changed some things you noted (the battery can't be fully charged) and will publish it soon. The prose is still flowery, but hey, so am I :D - I hope you'll give it another chance.

As I mentioned in another post here, 'It's more of a game then a multi-path story. There are sidetracks and dead ends and currently I've found only found one way to score 100 and find the treasure too. I have enjoyed playing it and I hope others agree and accept the challenge.'

Play-testing Anyone? on 5/3/2024 11:17:46 PM

Thanks DireRyse for giving it a look, I agree with you and Peng, it is fanfic. Nick Cage!
I've played through it multiple times, so I think it's ready to publish.

It's more of a game then a multi-path story. There are sidetracks and dead ends and currently I've found only found one way to score 100 and find the treasure too. I have enjoyed playing it and I hope others agree and accept the challenge. 
Oh, and there's also a 'red herring' so I hope that doesn't upset folks :D

Play-testing Anyone? on 5/2/2024 5:43:57 PM
Thanks PerforatedPen.

I have a few goals:

1. To get players to play-test my other storygame.
2. To get players to test the variables and page script in the story above.
3. To poll players as to how Gakekeepers should be categorized.

The results so far:

1. FAILED :(
2. COMPLETED (found nothing noteworthy)
3. SUCCESS (1 vote for Fan Fiction)

Play-testing Anyone? on 5/2/2024 4:35:11 PM
He entered the hazy forum, filled with the smell of smoke. "I've been working on some stuff and was hoping to find some play-testers here. The pay isn't great, but if you do come across something noteworthy, recognition is likely." Sterile Consciousness

Proofreaders Needed. on 5/1/2024 10:27:27 AM
Playing to the end might help you understand my intentions for the battery. The battery is simply a delay. Delays and Dead Ends are elements of the game. I’m taking a risk by annoying the reader, I know, but dealing with frustration is part of treasure hunting. Remember the objective is to have fun, find the treasure and SCORE 100. Alienrun, you’ve been very helpful. Thanks to you, I know I have successfully created frustration. ;-D

Proofreaders Needed. on 4/30/2024 9:12:30 PM
Wow! I'm so glad you liked it. I added this script to fix the overcharging issue: IF %BATT > 100 THEN %BATT := 100

Proofreaders Needed. on 4/30/2024 1:07:21 PM
He entered the hazy forum, filled with the smell of smoke. "I've been told this is where I can find proofreaders. The pay isn't great, but if you do come across something noteworthy, recognition is likely." National Treasure - Gatekeepers of Boredom