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Play-testing Anyone?

11 months ago
He entered the hazy forum, filled with the smell of smoke. "I've been working on some stuff and was hoping to find some play-testers here. The pay isn't great, but if you do come across something noteworthy, recognition is likely." Sterile Consciousness

Play-testing Anyone?

11 months ago
It... works?

If your goal here is to poll the players for what your other storygame should be classified as (probably fanfic), it does just that and nothing more. You could've just asked in the forum.

I'm not sure what there is to playtest, considering the fact that it consists of one opening page and 5 sets of identical choices. Whatever little writing there was sounded fine (a bit weirdly robotic if you ask me). Whatever this is, it's not a storygame in its current state.

Play-testing Anyone?

11 months ago
Thanks PerforatedPen.

I have a few goals:

1. To get players to play-test my other storygame.
2. To get players to test the variables and page script in the story above.
3. To poll players as to how Gakekeepers should be categorized.

The results so far:

1. FAILED :(
2. COMPLETED (found nothing noteworthy)
3. SUCCESS (1 vote for Fan Fiction)

Play-testing Anyone?

11 months ago

I agree with Peng here. I don't think it works based on what you goals are. Using a storygame to funnel questions/ players to another one of your storygames isn't really worth it? Like Peng said, you could've just asked in the forums. I went to the page of the Gatekeeper game and saw "fans of National Treasure" as well as that in the title and a pic of Nick Cage within the first page of the storygame - so I would also say FanFic as well. I see its also sitting at almost 30k words (very nice). If its done, I would say give it a good proof read and publish. People will see it in searches, etc. and you would get more feedback once it's published. 

Play-testing Anyone?

11 months ago

Thanks DireRyse for giving it a look, I agree with you and Peng, it is fanfic. Nick Cage!
I've played through it multiple times, so I think it's ready to publish.

It's more of a game then a multi-path story. There are sidetracks and dead ends and currently I've found only found one way to score 100 and find the treasure too. I have enjoyed playing it and I hope others agree and accept the challenge. 
Oh, and there's also a 'red herring' so I hope that doesn't upset folks :D