DireRyse, The Wordsmith

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2/12/2025 10:27 PM

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Earning 100 Points Given by BerkaZerka on 07/04/2024 - Forth of July Free Trophey Day!


The Grand Pharaoh's Tomb

You have dedicated years of your life working to prove the existence of a hidden pharaoh - someone who has pulled the strings of Ancient Egypt from the shadows, Kannok. Will you delve into the tomb and be successful, or will this just be another piece of history lost to time?



This is my submissions for End Master’s Prompt Contest 3. Any and all feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

The Fallen Gods: Siege at Aurella

The gods of the realm fall silent as the Lahrian Kingdom spreads the following of The True God across the land. The Inquisitor's army has been sieging the city of Aurella for three weeks now. Your army grows restless at it seeks to purge the heretics inside it's gates. Will you destroy the city in the name of your god through slaughter, or will you find another way? 

Recent Posts

Can you make a story without characters? on 2/12/2025 8:32:08 PM

Fuck you Milton

Mercer Gang! on 2/3/2025 8:59:27 PM

I wish Klay was here to see this...

Failed Low Tier Bait. Better Luck Next Time. on 2/1/2025 11:10:47 PM


What Games are YOU Playing in 2025? on 1/31/2025 12:09:19 AM

Yeah Stalker is a cool ass game. Atmosphere and environment is absolutely beautiful

FRANCE TRIP THREAD on 1/30/2025 11:05:29 PM

Where can I go to see the rich get beheaded?

No but really, I've always wanted to take my wife and the kids over to see Paris - my daughter was big into Miraculous Ladybug and its based there. I appreciate your little peak into France and will up its reputation by +1 (bringing the total to -99 since they surrendered to Germany).

Drawing and writing and other such things on 1/30/2025 9:48:06 PM

Great comparison. I think the parallels are spot on. 

For all my short stories, I run on pure inspiration - I get an idea that I want to convey and since I try to work with 1200 words - I think of the main scene I want to "paint" and let my brain throw up on the page. Review a couple times and submit and forget (mainly because no one ever reads anything anyways - I think only 1 of my short stories actually had feedback).

For my story games (I think I got like 2 unpublished, but 1 is published) - I'm right there with you. I usually map out the entire story game on Miro or something like that and get the "outline" completely done, so I can control myself and not decide to make 15 paths for no reason. I'll then move on and "color" the main canon path for it. Once that is done, I move onto the other paths -  I always go through systematically, no jumping around. Next would be my shading and highlights - the proofreading and hammering in those final details. I usually do this a few days after finishing what I'm writing, so I don't get that kind of "blindness" from being so involved in the story - you'll be surprised how much you ignore after writing/reading the same passages over and over with no break. Shit maybe I'll even put out ol' reliable and read it backwards. 

As far as other artistic interests, I do paint miniatures and voice act. They generally follow the same process of planning, doing, editing, etc.


Great art btw

What Games are YOU Playing in 2025? on 1/30/2025 7:16:12 PM



Make sure to join the fan club thread after

What Games are YOU Playing in 2025? on 1/30/2025 7:07:44 PM

Shitty story? Leave it to you to not understand the depth and nuance of @NeoncatYT's magnum opus! Your smooth brain can't comprehend the emotional tormoil that occurs in the pages of that sacred text. You're lucky Neoncat confirmed that story was made up or I'd give the Mercer Gang a call right now to rob your train and steal your horses.

Don't let me catch you talking shit about the Mercer Gang ever again or I'll make the Nashville Bank Robbery of January 28th, 1870 look like a fuckin' walk in the park.

offensive words on 1/30/2025 5:05:48 PM

My friend, my compatriot, my comrade - I thank you for your query. Unfortunately, I didn't end up making it and I regret that this is the news I must break to you. I'm sorry.

offensive words on 1/30/2025 10:05:32 AM

You're right. I do feel guilty for his unfair placement.

RK is #1 in his own catagory in my heart.