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Do men hate reading?

5 days ago

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Saw this post on twitter definitely agree there has been a decisive shift towards female led books the last couple years.

Any thoughts local males? Do young men really hate reading nowadays? Its certainly true in my brothers case.

Do men hate reading?

5 days ago

The median book published now is booktok / romantasy gooner slop, which might literally be worse than not reading. 

In any case, most men consume short form video content that's designed to turn you into schizo Hitler for fifteen hours a day. Not much room in there for reading. 

Do men hate reading?

5 days ago
I guess a lot of young men never really found that "gateway drug" book when young(think hardy boys or harry potter). And as they grow older, having associated reading with extra schoolwork and frustration, they view reading fiction as a waste of time. I do know a lot of my friends read personal finance/self help books, or books in their field of expertise, so maybe they don't like fiction in particular, but are fine with other books. Maybe they see fiction "as a waste of time since it's not real", and prefer to watch movies instead to get their story-fix. There's also an undercurrent of anti-intellectualism growing that could contribute to this.

Men still enjoy the same stories, just told through video games or anime. But good video game/anime stories still share the same qualities was good novels, so maybe it's also preference for a specific medium of enjoying the story.

Do men hate reading?

5 days ago
Film and TV are often most digestible for people who don't really read or play video games. A friend of mine once brought up how he'd love to see a TV series adaptation of TellTale's The Walking Dead games, me personally I think developing a series based on a game where it's supposed main appeal is your choices affecting the story is always going to be an inferior product than the source material, though for TellTale I can see why that might seem like a ridiculous complaint, since as a TV show you'd have to choose and stick with one sequence of events. Unless whoever's in charge decides to make it interactable, but then why not just play the games?

Anyway, when I asked why he wanted to see this happen, he said ''So more people can get to know the character of Lee.''. I really didn't understand this sentiment, and still don't really. If they're not interested in video games as a medium, they're not. Who cares if they are or aren't? I don't see the point in making a series only to get people interested in the games. Other than the obvious, of course.

He brought up people like his parents being able to get interested into the games, so I suppose it's wanting to share something you personally find interesting with people close to you.

Do men hate reading?

2 days ago


Do men hate reading?

4 days ago

Do men hate reading?

4 days ago
In solidarity with women readers everywhere, I've featured a game about vampires.

Do men hate reading?

4 days ago

The DEI initiative against men readers did their job, clearly.

Do men hate reading?

4 days ago

That reminds me, I should finish up my TSR comic reviews. Just have the Buck Rogers series left.

Do men hate reading?

4 days ago
Meh, I read. Don't care much about what the rest of the male population is up to. Some read. Some don't. Their loss.

Do men hate reading?

4 days ago
Not me, I love reading. I could probably read an entire book within a day or two if it's a really good one, but I usually read a book over the course of a week. However, I am starting to wonder if people are starting to not read books anymore. It also doesn't help that certain powerful figures in a certain country *cough america cough* seem to want people to stop thinking for themselves, and some books are meant to make people think about certain types of governments that America seems to be turning into. Regardless of what happens though, I will continue reading until the end of time!

Do men hate reading?

4 days ago

I will continue reading until the end of time!

The horizon bled rust, streaked with the desperate claw marks of a sky grappling for its last breath. Ash pirouetted in tortured spirals— a slow, solemn waltz around the skeletal remains of a world long since hollowed out. The wind coursed over the flaky ground, its swan song whistling through the cracks in crumbled buildings and over the pools of liquid nightmare laying in low places, their iridescent and vile surfaces shifting like the unblinking eyes of the careless gods who'd abandoned them.

The broken bones of civilization jutted up from the scorched skin of the Earth; metal twisted beyond recognition reached skyward in one last, doomed plea to the heavens.

And yet, in the center of this vast and endless funeral, a chair stood. And upon this chair sat a man.

His clothes spoke of another era, one before time itself died. Walls had once enclosed him, a roof had once sheltered him, but now they were whispers in the air. Yet he did not stir nor blink at the void yawning around him. He sat in total ignorance.

A breeze swept through the hollow doorway, spiralling through the nothingness where walls had once stood. It reached for the man, but his eyes stayed down, enraptured by the book in his hands.

In the distance, something crumbled. The sound ricocheted throughout the encompassing emptiness. The sky darkened— a wound festering and stretching open. The air pressed down all around the man with a weight beyond gravity.

The universe itself seemed to pause, as though holding its breath, watching, waiting. The moment stretched into eternity, the stillness absolute. Every molecule, every atom stilled, poised on the precipice of something monumental.

And then... then...

He turned the page.

Do men hate reading?

3 days ago
wow... that's amazing. Have you written a novel yet?

Do men hate reading?

3 days ago

Do men hate reading?

3 days ago

This seems a bit bloated in prose in my opinion, which throws the pace off which makes it feel like a slog. There's elements that could work but this is just all too dramatic, which yes it's supposed to be but it doesn't come off in a way that rolls off the tongue well. 


You'll get out of your edgy phase eventually. 

Do men hate reading?

3 days ago
It was not meant to be cool and edgy. It was supposed to be excessively dramatic in an incredibly overdone way, to match the tone of the original quote. Also, all that buildup for an anticlimactic final line was meant to create a sort of humor in the ending.

Do men hate reading?

3 days ago

Always with the desolation and murdered villages the kid didn't know that well with this one smh

Do men hate reading?

3 days ago

I've seen a lot of discussion about this in recent days on social media. It's true that most popular books are essentially gooner bait for middle-aged women, but I feel like that's more of a result of a combination of things. It's not that most men don't read or (relatively) don't like to read, but sometimes I feel it's more common for men to stop reading at a certain point. Some also don't tend to read books featuring a female protagonist, limiting what they feel they can or want to read and eliminating some genres.

Do men hate reading?

3 days ago
Yeah, I'd agree that part of the problem is men not reading anything with a female protagonist because they don't feel as though they can relate. Meanwhile women can read books with like no female characters at all and are fine..

Do men hate reading?

3 days ago
It's clearly because men are just awesome.

Do men hate reading?

3 days ago
Commended by Mizal on 3/25/2025 1:01:25 AM


The real issue here is that people need to stop buying their erotic fantasy books and use their local libraries instead! - Sincerely, absolutely not a library worker.

Do men hate reading?

2 days ago
Can't believe this has been sitting here for hours and no one hit the commend button. Or were we just lazily waiting for Hatter to do it herself?

Do men hate reading?

3 days ago

So I was looking up some stuff about this topic mainly because AYT said a lot of books now are middle aged female goonerbait (Lol) and I stumbled upon a book called Credence which is apparently a romance novel about some girl getting passed around by her cousins and uncle.

Oh sure that's considered erotic, but when I write Love SICK, I get called a psycho. Lol.

Do men hate reading?

2 days ago

The difference just seems to be the gender of the protagonist.

Do men hate reading?

3 days ago

Maybe it's less that men hate reading than that women just hate watching porn. Men just get their rocks off via another medium, while women do it through books.

Do men hate reading?

2 days ago
As a relatively young(er) male I like reading, but it does feel like an activity that's in this awkward middle ground where if I need to sit back and relax my brain I'd rather watch something instead of straining my imagination as I flip the pages, and when I want to spend time on something more stimulating a video game will do that in more ways than a book. Because of that reading is something I do when the other options aren't available, or I find a story that really peaks my interest.

Also in reference to the tweet itself shelves in Target are a bad example for which gender reads more. Those sections are actually targeted at women because they're are more likely to buy a random book while shopping for other stuff. Guys usually get what they want and leave the store while girls look around more and often tend to end up with extra shit at checkout.

Not saying men read as much as women. My guess is they do it less, at least based on my own friend circles, but it's probably not nearly as bad as the video makes it seem.

Do men hate reading?


Based on a very small sample size of a few male friends and my younger brother, it seems like most of them read exclusively non-fiction. Some titles I've seen include: 'Meditations', 'We Who Wrestle With God' and 'The 4 Hour Workweek'.

Despite that, the last few times I've visited local libraries, I noticed a number of men browsing, even at the fiction sections. Might have to observe what books they pick up the next time.

Do men hate reading?


Your friends and brother are retarded lol 

Do men hate reading?

6 hours ago

I despise this nonfiction trend they're literally the only books my dad and brother read to them regular fiction just doesn't exist.

Do men hate reading?

3 hours ago

I know a couple who are more interested in non-fiction, and I think it might have to do with the interest in people. Not all men are like this though, speaking as a man. I generally like fiction for two main reasons, if it can give me a sense of immersion and make me think it's the real world or if it expresses well the heart of the author. Both reasons rely on two groups of people, actual and fictional. I do like non-fiction as well and I'm drawn to it as well because of the people describe in those accounts. When I think of history, I think of the "characters" involved in those events and what they might have been thinking and feeling. I can't imagine I'm the only man who thinks like this, either on a conscious or unconscious level.