UnscapeableDeath, The Reader

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3/25/2025 6:08 AM

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Some random person who has way too much creativity, and an unpredictable schedule. Sometimes there isn't enough time for even a short rest, and sometimes there is nothing to do. Many a project has been left for some new, shinier ideas.


Rummaging through the bin you dug up, you find an old USB stick. Plugging it into your laptop, you find an odd, half-finished game. What mysteries does it hold?

Recent Posts

Do men hate reading? on 3/24/2025 8:30:17 AM
wow... that's amazing. Have you written a novel yet?

Do men hate reading? on 3/23/2025 1:00:14 PM
Not me, I love reading. I could probably read an entire book within a day or two if it's a really good one, but I usually read a book over the course of a week. However, I am starting to wonder if people are starting to not read books anymore. It also doesn't help that certain powerful figures in a certain country *cough america cough* seem to want people to stop thinking for themselves, and some books are meant to make people think about certain types of governments that America seems to be turning into. Regardless of what happens though, I will continue reading until the end of time!

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules. on 3/23/2025 12:44:01 PM
Lol, yeah. I saw that thread not too long after posting this. Also, I am planning on doing some editing, and I did come up with the original idea for the story. However, I never really had a direction for the story, and just let the AI do its own thing with it. I guess in that case it can be considered to not truly be my idea. Thanks!

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules. on 3/23/2025 12:40:38 PM
Thanks! I also usually don't use AI, as it has way too many issues, even now. However, I am still wanting to get used to writing prompts it can understand, as I feel that it is going to be used more and more in our daily lives. *sigh*

Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules. on 3/23/2025 9:00:36 AM
I’m new to this place (just joined two days ago), and I have a few questions about it: 1. How active are people on this website? I’ve seen around 100 - 200 people when I’ve logged on, but the few forums I’ve visited seem to be slow, and not a lot of games seem to be being made. Then again, I have not gone through a lot of games/forums, so I might be missing something 2. What are the copyright rules here, and how heavily are they enforced? I have a really good idea for a short story that can be turned into a CYOA game, but I am slightly paranoid about having someone steal my ideas. a. Speaking of the short story: It does have some body horror, what are the rules on that? What maturity level would it be? Also, what is defined as body horror? I know a general “experiments gone wrong, twisted human beings” vibe, which seems like it fits the horror genre. Other than the vague idea of it though, I’m not too familiar with it. b. It is also made with AI, something I am just now messing with. What are the rules on that? I am influencing the direction of the story a lot, and I will be going through and editing it to make it more what I want. How much editing/influencing of the AI’s work should I do? If I specifically state that it was made using the help of AI, what are the rules on that? I am willing to completely start over with the story and make it all myself, but I’ve already gotten a decent amount of it done with AI, and it feels like a waste of time not to use it. TLDR: 1. How active is this website? 2. What are the copyright rules? a. Body horror? What is it defined as, and what are the rules? b. What are the rules on using AI?