Player Comments on Ship Wrecked on Misty Island
Fairly well written, with few mistakes in spelling or grammar. Nice suspenseful atmosphere. Was the intent to make the island more mysterious by having you start over rather than dying? I think for someone that may not have the time to keep restarting to get the good ending it would be good to add some end game and leave comment links
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on 9/20/2016 2:48:24 PM with a score of 2485
Fucking. Finally! I finally found the ending! Alright, tip time...
Well, it was pretty good. I get that you tried to be detailed and shit with your writing style, but at some points it sounded a little weird. There were a few grammar and spelling mistakes, and on one page you switched from second person to first person during the dialog with Hamil (Sorry if I misspelled it).
The puzzle mechanics were amazing, and at some points I really had to think to solve the puzzles, though some were pretty obvious. The horror parts were pretty meh at best, and didn't really scare me. So basically put, you have the puzzle part down, but you need to work on the horror bits if you want to go down that route.
Overall, it was a solid puzzle game, but a mediocre horror game. Also, please add an end game link when the main character dies, because if there's one thing I hate, it's when there's only one 'ending' to a story, everything else makes you restart. Anyway, 5/8. There you go.
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on 7/20/2015 4:41:54 PM with a score of 2455
Very good! I loved this story and loved the challenge of it (I got stuck once). It left me wanting more which can be good or bad. Good because the writing and story were exhilarating enough that the story could've gone longer and wouldn't lose momentum. Bad because there are unclear details that I'm curious about. Keep writing though, I love it.
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— bburger on 7/10/2015 6:10:06 PM with a score of 2485
Kinda hard, definetly gonna go back and see what other paths I can do. I didn't get to use all the items I picked up so I'm curious.
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on 2/27/2025 2:21:02 PM with a score of 2520
Not bad for a game, but the lack of "end game" links really annoyed me.
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on 6/5/2017 12:42:09 PM with a score of 1185
I got the best enjoyment out of this! This is easily the best one I've read so far. Not too long to bore and in no way short.The flow is easy to understand and the plot is really interesting.
I brought a lot of souvenirs at the end though...^_^
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on 7/18/2015 5:23:54 PM with a score of 2295
I enjoyed the slight challenge. It wasn't too hard. 4/8
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on 7/7/2015 8:11:32 AM with a score of 2495
This is a great puzzle game, Maybe the best on the site. Only things I really found were that sometimes the story would change between third person and first person. Sometimes it would say "I" instead of "you". And also I couldn't find a use for the iron key, But that may just be because of me. But overall a great game.
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on 7/4/2015 12:17:16 AM with a score of 2445
Sorry everyone, replaying the game, grammatical errors and random changes in formatting aside as the game progresses there is a glaring error.
If you use the link "Traversing the mist" while under the cliff face, the game cannot be finished. The rope bridge link variable logic is broken with that link. Sorry.
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on 7/1/2015 11:49:37 PM with a score of 1185
Well done.
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on 6/28/2015 8:05:24 PM with a score of 1145
Worth every cent. One of the best puzzle games in CYS. Good job! :)
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on 6/28/2015 10:23:22 AM with a score of 1185
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