Player Comments on The Ramayana
Not bad, and definitely educational--I was mostly unfamiliar with Indian legend--but not very engaging as a game, really. I see it as not a bad primer on the basics of a story, but at the same time it also seems to expect the reader to know the story. Although I did not find my lack of knowledge on the topic a handicap in completing it, it did mean that I wasn't always 100% sure what was going. All in all, not bad, but certainly not amazing.
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on 12/23/2009 5:21:20 PM with a score of 0
Nice work! Very informative, descriptive, and colorful. I've read the actual Ramanyana and this was a faithful rendition.
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on 9/3/2006 7:09:58 PM with a score of 0
I understand the story a little bit more now but I most likely will have to read the whole story and maybe learn some other things to truly appreciate it- a good learner and well made I'm glad this game exists. My grasp on understanding it (as far as the life lessons) has a lot to do with ignorance on the subject.
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— chocobot on 6/14/2006 4:59:24 PM with a score of 0
it was fun
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— Kshitij Rana on 2/22/2025 11:30:42 AM with a score of 0
I liked the game. I had fun. There are some spelling errors here or there. I would like to see more. I thought you did a good job with the branching, but each page was really short. Nevertheless, there were multiple paths to choose from, so I'm fine with the branching.One thing to note, in this story, there's a tendency to have a good choice and a bad one. If you choose the bad one the story tries to redirect you, and if that fails, just ends.
I thought it was clever how you switched from a formal tone in the background(using thou and very archaic language) to a more modern tone once we start the story. I also enjoyed how the narrator interacts with the reader, addressing us directly. The narrator's voice was engaging and interactive. At no point was it passive, if we made a good choice, the narrator rejoices with us, if we make a selfish choice, the narrator gets angry at us. That was a nice choice on your part.
I enjoyed your use of the technique in media res, since by doing so, you establish a clear scope for the story. You want to focus on the Ramayana from the point when Sita gets kidnapped to the point when Rama rescues her.
I feel like the background really dragged though, and there were probably more effective ways you could have communicated that information. I was getting tired of clicking and clicking until I finally got back to the first page, but the background is important for readers not familiar with the Ramayana to understand the story.
I definetly think this story could have been proofread a bit more and expanded upon. There was a lot more going on in this story, that you could have added. Also, given that the story is so short, characters that are 3-dimensional and very interesting end up getting really shallow treatments here. This story definetly needs more work, but it was fun and enjoyable to play through.
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on 11/18/2024 3:25:33 PM with a score of 0
It was fun but I found the myth to be confusing and hard to keep track of who was who to be honest with all the complicated names
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— LorisLamarisDiamondEyeees on 5/5/2024 9:28:23 PM with a score of 0
That was pretty bad
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— Goran on 11/30/2023 12:49:06 PM with a score of 0
For what it was this wasn't all that bad. Definitely could've been better but I have most definitely read worse.
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on 11/18/2020 3:41:35 PM with a score of 0
It’s cool but I’d love some pictures
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— RJ on 11/29/2019 8:01:33 AM with a score of 0
Yes. I am unmovable ((:
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on 3/26/2016 1:35:57 PM with a score of 0
I liked the concept and idea of it. It was interesting but more detail and description would be very good to make the story more captivating.
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on 6/26/2015 10:31:26 AM with a score of 0
It is a very brilliant story and I recommend other people to play it.
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on 5/2/2015 5:48:19 PM with a score of 0
As blasphemous as this, it certainly is a wonderful retelling of a wonderful piece of literature.
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— Almighty Capy on 12/6/2014 10:00:39 PM with a score of 0
Great story, hindu mythology always intrigues me.
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on 10/2/2014 7:06:28 AM with a score of 0
The story seemed interesting, but I really couldn't take much of it. The links at the bottom of the page were confusing, I think you could benefit from using items e.g. a handbook with background information that you can access any time.
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on 8/31/2014 6:38:45 PM with a score of 0
It was an okay story but all those go-back switches are going to confuse people :P
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on 5/21/2014 3:25:17 PM with a score of 0
This was brilliant! I really love reading legends from loads of different countries. Gotta say I liked your ending a whole lot better than the real one where Sita keeps getting accused of infidelity and Rama banishes her to live in the woods where she gives birth to twin sons which she has to raise on her own for 14 years. I think eventually Rama finds them and offers to take the boys back to his palace but not Sita, and Sita's so miserable that she begs the earth to open up and swallow her so that her suffering will end and it does... Rama's such a douche :p
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on 11/16/2012 5:32:10 AM with a score of 0
Eh. It was alright. I understand that this is based on Hindu lore, but it didn't really do it for me. I skipped half the writing and skimmed it. You might want to make it so people actually have to read it. It was entertaining enough though.Nice job. 5/8
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on 8/27/2012 5:14:11 AM with a score of 0
Not bad writing, but it is a little confusing and having more paragraphing would be good.
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on 8/2/2012 11:50:39 PM with a score of 0
As Robust say he was write that Lakmas did become king Ram become the king ! ! !
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on 6/21/2012 6:15:21 AM with a score of 0
This is a true story I like this story .
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on 6/2/2012 1:48:56 PM with a score of 0
Ah, this was adapted from the real book but then also it wasn't true. Because Lakman not became the king of the country (this is only one reason but there are many others)
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on 5/28/2012 11:52:08 AM with a score of 0
It's often unclear what is happening in the story.
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on 2/28/2012 4:28:15 PM with a score of 0
Cool. 4/8
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on 10/4/2011 9:44:33 AM with a score of 0
bo dissaproves, feel the shame wash over you
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on 5/11/2011 8:30:41 PM with a score of 0
Brilliant! I loved every moment of it!
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— Robert on 1/1/2009 9:24:42 PM with a score of 0
very very god but the story is short plase try to make it littl more long ok thanks fo giving the knowledge about ramayana
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— Suraj on 3/2/2008 1:08:16 AM with a score of 0
This is definately educaional! I wouldn't call ita game, but I love learning so I loved it.
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on 10/16/2007 5:09:42 PM with a score of 0
This game was horrible. Really horrible.
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— Thome on 8/21/2007 9:24:33 PM with a score of 0
Thank you, that was wonderful!
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— Anjali on 3/31/2007 11:11:34 AM with a score of 0
Wow! That was great!
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on 1/7/2007 3:43:47 PM with a score of 0
Maybe some better grammar would help. Otherwise a decent game.
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on 10/28/2006 12:41:05 AM with a score of 0
Very interesting, and surprisingly fun. I would suggest not leaving "Previous" links on each page, as members can just use the "Go Back" option.
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on 10/21/2006 6:50:30 PM with a score of 0
very involving story- some of the images are over top of the writing, though.
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on 10/12/2006 11:18:39 PM with a score of 0
I am a hindu and I am delighted that someone took the inititive to make something like this. It is very nice except for the second page where the picture overs the text .
thank you
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on 9/26/2006 11:33:07 PM with a score of 0
Too linear and confusing. Though I liked how you explained everything about the Ramayana.
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on 8/24/2006 12:13:02 PM with a score of 0
I can tell a lot of work went into this.
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— weedy on 7/25/2006 12:04:12 PM with a score of 0
'The Ramayana' was a good interactive game that clearly depicts the plot in a unique way.
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— Ravi on 2/14/2006 1:41:22 PM with a score of 0
Bad, horrible.
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— JJJ on 2/8/2006 10:14:48 AM with a score of 0
no need to keep allowing to go back to the beginning for the background, but some good pictures and story.
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— nate on 12/7/2005 4:07:45 PM with a score of 0
it was a good story as if i read in books. i like this verry much & i like also Mahabharath story.
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— sreesha on 12/5/2005 4:43:04 AM with a score of 0
i appreciate your work
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— jagmohan on 9/3/2005 3:05:53 PM with a score of 0
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— weedy on 5/5/2005 5:08:15 PM with a score of 0
This isn't much of a choose your own adventure, since it seems our adventure is already chosen for us. It was definitely educational though. Plus, by telling the story to so many of us, the author must qualify for much wisdom, love and strength.
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— Mina on 4/21/2005 2:44:16 AM with a score of 0
I don't really get it. But I've made it towards the end of the story.
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— Siti on 9/12/2004 10:28:40 AM with a score of 0
Thank you very much for depicting the whole Ramayana in a small narration. I appreciate your efforts.
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— Srivishnu Pasumarthy on 1/11/2003 3:35:55 PM with a score of 0
Great game, pretty educational......quite intresting too..dosnt take up much time
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— priya on 12/25/2002 12:48:46 PM with a score of 0
Good work Shiv!:)Good teacher of Indian culture you are to me!!!!:)
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— Anca on 12/18/2002 9:46:06 AM with a score of 0
Nice game.....but female monsters? lol
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— Anca on 12/18/2002 9:40:04 AM with a score of 0
Wow! The ramayana is simply fab! I love this game!!!!!! <br>Shiv? have you heard of the other great epic 'the mahabharata'? can you make a game based on that please!!<br>MAG.COM, your site rocks!<br>
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— disc jockey on 11/29/2002 5:28:30 AM with a score of 0
Awesome, Awesome, Awesome this game is real neat and a real peice of art. I like how the story is set up and switches in the middle, a beautiful epic. Perhaps can make a program to fix your pictures. I learned a lot by playing this game.
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— GeorgeM on 11/28/2002 2:43:45 PM with a score of 0
This game is pretty educational, in addition to the entertainment. In other words, its edu-tainment. It opens a door to the outside world about the Ramayana.
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— King Kong on 11/28/2002 8:10:25 AM with a score of 0
Nice game! made well... way to go bro :)
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— Sanjiv on 11/28/2002 7:36:31 AM with a score of 0
I don't think there is much of adventure in the game. Anybody who knows the story of the Ramayan will find it easy to play the game. Besides if you play the game a couple of times, it will get boring and one knows what decision is to be made.
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— Madhuri on 11/28/2002 7:06:31 AM with a score of 0
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