Sethaniel, The Reader
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I ragequit the site to show solidarity with a serial child predator, just in case you're wondering.
I did come back briefly, but it was just to try and con everyone with a fake Kickstarter, before yanking all my games down in a petty gesture of salt.
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Englishman in Need on 8/10/2016 9:46:27 AMTry this: go up to the top of the text box, where it's got all the options for bold, italic, etc. Find the abc dropdown and disable SCAYT.
Seth's Kickstarter Scam on 8/10/2016 9:15:40 AM
Unnecessary personal details; I'm having surgery at the end of September, and they're telling me the recovery time is at least a month. Unfortunately, my job only pays half wage for short term disability. So, I'm trying to find something I can do to make up for lost wages. And my options are kinda limited by the fact that I can't do much that isn't just using a computer.
If I can get this funded, I can afford to take medical leave. And I'll have 50+ hours a week to devote solely to the creation of this story.
Seth's Kickstarter Scam on 8/10/2016 8:53:08 AM
(Visual novels, for non-otaku, are like a choose-your-own-adventure, but with pictures and music.)
This one is part of the ever-popular "transfer student discovers their new school is weird" genre.
In this case, it turns out to be populated entirely by demons.
Fortunately, you aren't the usual faceless everyman VN protagonist. You're a serial killer.
The basic game has demon hunters, succubi, werewolves, and over 20 different endings.
You can play as male or female, each with their own unique storyline, and there are male and female optional romance sidequests for both characters.
There are also options to fund extended editions of the game. These take the basic edition and add new content:
This is the version I would buy, if I were purchasing the game instead of writing it.
New romance options, more characters, and a whole new storyline focused on the relationship-building aspect of the game.
I was actually thinking of @EndMaster when I made this version. XD Specifically, the several times he's complained about Bioware mucking up the story with pointless romance sidequests. So, this is for you: a version focused on grimdark.
More 'bad' endings, more options for NPC death, and a whole new storyline focused on the serial-killer aspect of the game.
Yes, the basic edition's romance is still in there, but you can ignore it. In fact, you can kill off all the love interests so you don't have to worry about accidentally triggering a love story.
The Ultra-Deluxe version of the game. Has all the content from both Lovely and Deadly editions, as well as a third completely new storyline.
Seth's Kickstarter Scam on 8/10/2016 8:36:46 AM
(I can't figure out how to get the cool widget to work properly. Yes, someone with better coding skills is working on the actual game.)
What is this I don't even on 7/28/2016 6:33:19 PM
Oh my god yes, isn't it a vn too?
Unhappy endings that are happy on 7/27/2016 4:14:56 PM
Yeah, I liked that movie too.
Unhappy endings that are happy on 7/27/2016 10:49:06 AM
Personally, I think 2/3 of the endings are happy ones.
Two years. on 7/26/2016 4:06:20 PM
At first I read this as "logic birthdays are also pretentious" and I wondered what a logic birthday was.
Also, real birthdays are the best. I refuse to give up my day of awesomeness and fun just because some people are boring.
Places to visit in Berlin on 7/25/2016 10:33:03 AM
They don't have a panda any more, but still a great zoo.
Brand Conspiracy Theory (FTP) on 7/25/2016 10:28:46 AM
. . . Kitkats are delicious? XD