OOTHEghost00, The Reader

Member Since


Last Activity

5/16/2019 5:13 PM

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Duel Stats

0 wins / 0 losses





Ghost was never close to anyone before the apocalypse. Ghost was apart from the social side of life. After the apocalypse, Ghost went hell for leather collecting weapons and coming up with strategies for survival. Ghost never gets lonely, because she doesn't know what it's like to have close relations with people. Sometimes she follows the survivor group, and watches as they interact together. Ghost is an A-grade survivor, and wishes she could stop with other groups to learn what friendship means.
Ghost in socially awkward, and never had close relations. She is smart, powerful and very mysterious.
Ghost is the lone wolf, but the survivors know she is out there.

Name: Ghost was named this because she hovers near the group before dissapearing like a ghost. She also has a blank facial expression, pale face and dark eye giving her a ghostly appearance.

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"Bored" on 5/16/2019 4:59:41 PM

sis u and me should duel see who wins xdxd