TheBerryKing, The Reader

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7/5/2018 12:47 AM

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Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello on 6/20/2018 10:33:50 PM

You’ve lost me already @-@

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello on 6/20/2018 10:27:07 PM

I’ll make sure to look out for the little quirks 

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello on 6/20/2018 10:12:06 PM

Actually the only one I've read so far is the Dead Man Walking because it was so long. I didn't go through the adventure in one day, so I split it up between 3 days. I finished yesterday! I'll probably get to reading tomorrow. 

Question (if you don't mind), is there something wrong with the search feature? I notice the search feature looks through descriptions and not titles, but sometimes that doesn't even work. I search one thing on a search engine, and it doesn't come up when using the search feature. 

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello on 6/20/2018 9:39:56 PM

Yes that title is weird, no I don't know why I wrote it. 

Salutations everyone, it is I, your Berry King. I am of course new here and sort of excited? I came here, of course, to read and with the idea of making a CYOA of a bank robbery. I actually couldn't find one by searching so if anyone perhaps knows one, that would be great! I don't have much else to say besides have a good evening!