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Who is Solostrike?

7 years ago

I know this site has a few moderators. But I'm curious to know who is Solostrike? I have found that he/she hasn't posted on the forums since 2011; and that he/she might be a moderator.

Who is Solostrike?

7 years ago

Who is Solostrike?

7 years ago
solostrike used to be a mod - inactivity has ceased his mod status.

Speaking of mods - @Kiel_Farren @Sethaniel - Explain pls:

Who is Solostrike?

7 years ago

This little Eeveelution shit again.

Same thing happened over at BHB.

Who is Solostrike?

7 years ago

its someone's idea of a joke

Who is Solostrike?

7 years ago
oh. in that case it's hilarious.