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Thank you!

5 years ago

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who takes time out of their day to contribute to this site. Some of the best reading I’ve ever experienced has been on here. 



Thank you!

5 years ago
Well this was sweet.

There are always a lot of people browsing who I assume are here purely to read and that's great, providing quality stories to readers is what the site is for, but it is nice to hear from one of the silent majority.

And if you can find time to leave comments on stories as you go that's the quickest way to make authors love you. It doesn't have to be a long detailed critique, just a couple sentences to let them know somebody is paying attention and their work inspired some kind of thoughts or feelings is appreciated. Anyone sharing writing on the internet is a born attention whore just trust me on this. :D

Thank you!

5 years ago

Your appreciation is appreciated! These storygames can be hard to write, so any encouraging word from a reader is always welcome. Glad you're enjoying the site.

Thank you!

5 years ago
That is the nicest thing any spiderbot hasever said to me.